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Banque de programmes


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Created : 2001 Statut : International

Mission Statement : The IRIN Radio project was set up in 2001, as a complement to IRIN's long-established on-line humanitarian news service. Most grassroots communities in crisis-torn areas do not have access to technology such as Internet and e-mail. Instead, they rely on radio as their primary source of information. Yet international radio broadcasters give general coverage to most humanitarian crises, while local stations usually lack the resources to keep their listeners adequately informed and involved. IRIN Radio seeks to help by providing consistent, credible information on humanitarian issues in local languages; incorporating the voices of grassroots communities into radio programming; and giving capacity-building support and training to local community radio partners. Since the start of the project in Somalia in 2001, IRIN Radio has grown to include four regions, across Africa and Asia: (1) East and Central Africa region: based in Nairobi, Kenya, IRIN Radio covers Somalia, Burundi, western Tanzania, Sudan, Uganda and eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2) West Africa region: based in Abidjan, Ivory coast, IRIN Radio covers Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory Coast. (3) Southern Africa region: IRIN Radio covers Angola from its base in Luanda. (4) Central Asia region: IRIN Radio covers Afghanistan from its base in Kabul.

Affiliation : IRIN UN ONU

Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
[FRANCAIS ci-dessous] IRIN Radio runs four core activities tailored to the specific needs of individual countries: (1) Production of high quality, ready-to-air programmes on humanitarian issues in local languages for broadcast by local radio partners; (2) Provision of journalistic training for local radio and NGO partners; (3) Delivery of capacity-building equipment and technical training to partners; (4) facilitation of co-production programmes jointly with partners. The site proposes audio files which can be downloaded in RealAudio and MP3 format, as well as written stories. There are two special section: Refugees story "My Name, my Story" and Burundian Soap Operas entitled Tuyage Twongere. About this last one series: IRIN Radio has launched a new radio drama series on the lives of Burundian refugees in the camps in western Tanzania. The series is entitled Tuyage Twongere, meaning "Let's Talk" in Kirundi. It is produced in collaboration with the Jesuit Refugee Service's Radio Kwizera, a community station serving the refugee camps in Ngara, Tanzania. The series (15 episodes available on 1st August 2004) covers anything and everything that the refugees themselves say is an issue in their daily lives and it looks closely at issues surrounding repatriation from the camps to Burundi. Broadcasts of Tuyage Twongere started in May 2004 on Radio Kwizera in Ngara, and on IRIN Radio's four partner stations in Burundi: Radio Publique Africaine (RPA), Radio-Television Nationale du Burundi (RTNB); Radio Culture; and Bonesha FM. The project creates a unique opportunity for Burundians across borders - those at home and those in exile - to share experiences and to start talking. IRIN Radio hopes to draw on this project as a model for the development of innovative radio drama series for other countries. ___________________FRANCAIS IRIN Radio a été lancé en 2001 en complément du service de nouvelles d'IRIN. IRIN Radio fournit des informations formatées et crédibles sur les questions humanitaires dans des langues locales, en donnant la parole à des voix des communautés de bases ; ce service apporte également un appui et de la formation aux acteurs locaux des radios locales. Le site se consacre à une dizaine de pays africains soumis à une actualité conflictuelle: Somalie, Burundi, l'Ouest de la Tanzania, Sudan, Ouganda, l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo; Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinée et Côte d'Ivoire; Angola; et en Asie à l'Afghanistan. IRIN Radio propose à la fois des reportages écrits et radiophoniques. Les bandes sonores peuvent être écoutées ou téléchargées au format Real Audio et MP3.

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