Banque de programmes Ressource / Resource   


Banque de programmes

OneWorld Radio OWR ENGLAND

Contact :
Adresse / Address : 2nd Floor River House, 143-145 Farringdon Road
      London EC1R 3AB
Tel. : +44 [0]20 7239 1400
Fax. : +44 [0]20 7833 3347
EMail : 
URL : EN / FR / SP / PO
Created : Statut : Privé

Mission Statement : OneWorld Radio is part of OneWorld Network. OneWorld is an international non-profit network that aims to harness the democratic potential of the Internet to promote sustainable development and human rights. Its supersite,, is the world's leading portal on global justice and a gateway to over 700 NGOs worldwide.

Affiliation :

Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
[FRANCAIS ci-dessous] OneWorld Radio offers services and networking for broadcasters and civil society organisations that use radio for human rights and sustainable development. It is a tool for broadcasters - a place on the internet where they can find radio programmes for exchange and all the information from the sector of radio for development they need - news, funding and training opportunities and manuals. They can also use OneWorld Radio to network with each other by searching the OneWorld Radio directory of members and sharing information about their activities. OneWorld Radio offers access to a wide variety of audio content on human rights, civil society, and development topics for listening online. As a member - for becoming member, you have just to enroll yourself on the web page - you can also download programmes for free, to broadcast on your radio station or use in a workshop, and you can upload your programmes for others to hear. There is a specific section about Africa and HIV/Aids issues. In addition the home page offers news, up coming events, opportunities. Don't miss this site ! _____________________________FRANCAIS OneWorld Radio est un service du réseau Ce site propose une grande variété de programme audio qui peuvent être écoutés et téléchargés; ces programmes qui proviennent des radios et des membres du réseau à travers le monde, accordent une place particuliére aux sujets traitant des questions des droits de l'homme et du développement durable. Il y a aussi une section spécifique sur le thème du SIDA. Les programmes peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement: il faut disposer d'un identifiant, et donc s'inscrire comme membre du réseau, mais cela se fait très simplement. Les membres sont aussi invités à proposer des programmes pour la banque d'échange.

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