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NewsFromAfrica KENYA

Contact : Clement Njoroge, Managing Editor - Zachary
Adresse / Address : Koinonia Media Centre
P.O. Box 21255       00505 Nairobi
Tel. : +254-20-570935, Cell +254-0733582401
Fax. : +254-020-577892
EMail : 
Created : 1996 Statut : Privé

Mission Statement : NEWSfromAFRICA was started on 15 April 1996. It was the first electronicnews bulletin in Africa. called AFRICANEWS. In October 2003, since many others were using Africanews as a title for their homepage or bullettin, it was decided to change it to NEWSfromAFRICA. This title reflects better the fact that the sources of the news and the publication are in Africa. NEWSfromAFRICA, like its predecessor AFRICANEWS, is published regularly on the 15th of every month. It is the initiative of Koinonia Community, a lay Christian organisation registered in Nairobi (Kenya). NEWSfromAFRICA focuses its attention on: fostering justice, peace making and peace keeping, reconciliation, emancipation of women, ecology, modernity and tradition, poverty and development, through the use of New Information Communication Technologies(ICTs) In particular, NEWSfromAFRICA makes its own preferential option for the poor. All news and their analyses are given from the perspective of the African grassroots people, their struggle for freedom, dignity and justice.

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Commentaire / Comment.
NEWSfromAFRICA focuses its attention on: fostering justice, peace making and peace keeping, reconciliation, emancipation of women, ecology, modernity and tradition, poverty and development, through the use of New Information Communication Technologies(ICTs)

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