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Simbani Africa News Agency (temporary closed) AMARC SOUTH AFRICA

Contact : [Vacant], Chief News Agency Officer
Adresse / Address : Tel. :
Fax. :
EMail :  
Created : 10/2003 Statut : Privé

Mission Statement : Vision To connect and build grassroots communities through information sharing. Aims To reinforce the capacities of community radio broadcasters. To promote the right to information. To create space for communities in the information society. To enable communities to manage their own communication processes. To contribute to the development of communities through the provision of information and sensitisation. To encourage inter-cultural dialogue through exchange of experiences To provide information based on sustainable development issues. To promote cultural diversity To promote locals content To promote local languages To be a strategic partner for development agencies, institutions, university and research and civil society organizations. To promote the use of ICTs in local content production To be a tool for networking and information exchange.

Affiliation : AMARC

Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
In 2003, AMARC Africa launched SIMBANI AFRICA, a news agency targeting community radio stations in Africa. SIMBANI AFRICA is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. SIMBANI means "speak" in ''Chi-Chewa'', a trans-border language in Southern Africa and it is a means by which communities speak for themselves. Through Simbani's network of correspondents located in communities throughout sub-Saharan Africa, news relating to Democracy and Human Rights, Gender and Development, AIDS, Environment and Food Security are made available. SIMBANI produces a weekly electronic newsletter entitled "News from the Communities''. The weekly newsletter is the first step towards a full daily news service which will feature news in both text and audio format on our website at . The audio service is not yet available. To subscribe to the weekly newsletter you have just to send an email to

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