NGO / Operateur Ressource / Resource   


NGO / Operateur

The Resource Alliance ENGLAND

Contact : Simon Collings, Chief Executive - Sylviah Oyugi, Eastern & Southern Africa
Adresse / Address : 295 Kennington Road
      London SE11 4QE
Tel. : +44 (0)207 587 0287
Fax. : +44 (0)207 582 4335
EMail : 
Created : 1983 Statut : Catholique

Mission Statement : Our vision is of a strong voluntary sector throughout the world, working to the highest ethical standards of accountability and stewardship, based on broad domestic popular support, and so contributing to strengthening civil society. Mission To enable voluntary sector organisations worldwide to build their capacity to mobilise support for their causes. Aims The Resource Alliance aims to be at the forefront of the development of resource mobilisation and fundraising capacity throughout the world by: * Developing a worldwide network for sharing and developing skills, knowledge and experience * Building fundraising capacity by providing, and increasing access to, training, education, advice and other learning opportunities * Advocating for an enabling environment to encourage the growth of philanthropy and other forms of support to enable voluntary organisations to achieve their aims

Affiliation :

Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
The Resource Alliance started as the International Fund Raising Group (IFRG) in 1981 when 36 people gathered at the first International Fundraising Workshop. The Resource Alliance is an international network working to build the capacity of not for profit organisations to mobilise funds and local resources for their causes. The organisation produces a book entitled "The WorldWide Fundraiser's Handbook. A Guide to Fundraising for Southern NGOs and Voluntary Organisations" (see TRRAACE/Library). The Website of the Resource Alliance offers ideas and on line materials, including some excerpt of the book: How to write a fundraising proposal? How to find funders? And other documents to be download: about local resources mobilisation; techniques of fundraising; NGO Communications and Marketing; NGO governance and Accountability; Fundraising through the Internet; and others references and links. Resource Alliance have been working in Eastern and Southern Africa with regional partners since the first Regional Fundraising Workshop in 1993. Upcoming Events in Africa: 11th Eastern Africa Regional Workshop, 9 - 12 November 2004, Entebbe, Uganda (see TRRAACE/Agora/News). East & Southern Africa Regional Office: Ms Sylviah Oyugi, Regional Programme Officer Resource Alliance Representative P.O. Box 4932, Nairobi 00200 4th Floor, AACC Building, Waiyaki Way, KENYA Tel: +254 20 4450656 Email:

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