The Linking Agricultural Research and Rural Radio in Africa (LARRRA) project is a collaboration of the University of Guelph, the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN), and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Fund for International Development, with national-level partners in Cameroon, Ghana, and Uganda, as well as new activities beginning in several other countries, including Francophone Africa. The major project activities seek to reinforce capacity building for improved collaboration between agricultural scientists, extension workers and radio broadcasters. The project started off with two activities: 1) a review of relevant work among international and national organizations on research/radio linkages, and 2) a thorough assessment of needs and organizational constraints for linking agricultural researchers and rural radio broadcasters. The results of the initial project Training Needs Assessment (TNA) are developed into a thorough plan for team capacity building. This plan is a guide for current knowledge, attitude and skills development and is published as a training module. The module is organized in two interrelated sets of content: (1) facilitating partnership between researchers and broadcasters, and (2) mobilizing financial resources for research/radio collaboration. The module was initially tested in a week long field workshop in Kumasi, Ghana 15-20 July, 2002. Click here for the learning module and resource kit. It is also being adapted and translated into French for use in the Dakar. Another workshop took place in Senegal in December 6-10, 2004. Under the section "resources", the LARRRA website includes some materials (reports, etc) which can be downloaded, and a wide range of links. |