NGO / Operateur | Ressource / Resource |
Khuluma Radio Project | Khuluma | SOUTH AFRICA |
Contact : | Laurent Allary, Regional Audiovisual Officer - Mathieu Fournet, Project Manager | |
Adresse / Address : | c/o NEMISA P.O. Box 545, Auckland Park Johannesburg 2006 |
Tel. : +27-11 484 0583; Cell;: +27-83 403 3924 Fax. : +27-11 484 0615 |
EMail : | |
URL : | | EN | |
Created : | 1996 | Statut : | Public |
Mission Statement : | From 1996, the French Embassy in South Africa have created the ‘khuluma’ project: a mobile unit that was bringing an expert on the site of each radio in order to address their first needs and allow them to operate freely, in the spirit of the new law managed by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) in addition to the new private radio stations. But this initiative was heavy to handle and after a few years of operation, it was no longer answering the needs of the majority of the radios. The French Embassy and the Department of Communication (DOC) worked out together a joint cooperation agreement, the Khuluma Priority Solidarity Fund that was signed in August 2002. Based at the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA), this joint initiative is monitored by both the DOC and the French Embassy. Objectives The main objective is to reinforce the current community radios of South Africa by consolidating the journalistic, technical and managerial competencies of the radio stations, strengthening their production capacities, promoting the work of local artists and contributing to the reinforcement of democratic life. The project is supporting the initiatives of the DOC, such as: * to equip the community radios with basic content, * to provide satellite reception equipment, * to accelerate the switch to digital broadcasting, * to organize a sustainable training system, * to improve the competencies of journalist teams, and * to encourage exchanges with African and French radios. | ||
Affiliation : | |||
Nb Members : | |||
Commentaire / Comment. |
In 2004, the "Khuluma Rodio Project" in South Africa conducted a series of 4 training sessions covering the electrions through community radio: two sessions were organised in Johannesbug at the NEMISA premises, and two provincial-based sessions, one in Cape Town and the other one in Polokwane (Limpopo Province). 48 community radio stations members reinforced their journalism skills and were able to do a relevant job for their stations during the challenging election period. In October 2004, the "Khuluma Radio Project" organized "music and copyright training sessions" benefiting both to the community radios (20 CR participated) in South Africa and the music industry. The objectives of the training sessions were as follows: a) To understand the different techniques of music programming; b) To be able to use at least one of the music programming software; c) To compile a play list model for a community radio station; d) To strategize the music programming throughout the hours of broadcasting; e) To use the station as a tool to promote local artists and musicians; f) To capacitate community radio stations in working with record companies and get free samples and information from them; g) To understand the importance of copyright and the rights of an artist; h) To learn how to conduct interviews and talk shows with musicians from different genres (Jazz, traditional, African, hip hop, pop, rock, etc.); i) To give the trainees skills on how to present and produce music shows; j) To organize a team meeting on music programming; k) To educate the stations’ volunteers to African language music genres in order to open the radio to the music from of the continent; l) To give an overview on African and South African music history. During 2005, the "Khuluma Radio Project" plans training of local government municipality managers and community radiuo programme managers and producers on the role of each oranization; equipping stations with "field-reporting" facilities and respective training to use the equipment and to create programs with local content and relevant formats; pursuing the "music and copyright" training programme. | |