Radio Internationale Ressource / Resource   


Radio Internationale

Radio Vaticana RV ITALY

Contact : General Director: Father Federico Lombardi s.j - Director of Programmes: Father Andrzej Koprowski, s.j.
Adresse / Address : Palazza Pio
Piazza Pia 3       00120 Vatican City
Tel. :
Fax. : (0039) 06.6988-3237
EMail : via website
URL : EN / FR / PO
Created : 1931 Statut : Confessionnel

Mission Statement : Vatican Radio is the broadcasting station of the Holy See, legally recognised by the international bodies. It is a means of communication and evangelisation created to serve the Pope's ministry. Vatican Radio has a legal status and is located in Vatican City. Its main task is to proclaim the Christian message, freely, faithfully and efficiently, and keep in contact the centre of Catholicism with the rest of the world. It was inaugurated by Pius XI (Radio message Qui arcano Dei) on February 12th 1931, and is an active member and founder of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union, in Geneva) of the URTI (International Radio and Television University, in Paris) and member of the URTNA (Union of African National Radio and Television in Dakar). Vatican Radio represents the Holy See at the ITU (International Telecommunication Union, in Geneva) and at the CEPT (European Conferences of Post and Telecommunication Administrations). Vatican Radio however is not an official body of the Holy See and therefore takes full responsibility for the contents of its programmes.


Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
[FRANCAIS ci-dessous] Vatican Radio is an international transmitting station that broadcasts in more than 40 languages. Vatican Radio is more than a simple radio, its radio programme offers a large range of programmes from live news, religious transmissions, in-depth reflections on various subjects to musical moments. Vatican Radio broadcasts in three different ways: radio waves, satellite and audio channels Internet. To Africa, Vatican radio broadcast in the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, French, English, Tigrina, Kiswahili, Portuguese, Somali, Spanish. Radios Stations, Broadcasters, willing to broadcast Vatican Radio Programmes or international sound of Pope's ceremonies write to Vatican Radio International Office: or fax to: (0039) 06.6988-3237. Vatican Radio is also very reputated and listened in Africa for its World and Church News. ____________________FRANCAIS Les programmes de Radio Vatican sont diffusés par satellite vers l'Afrique. Certaines radios catholiques, qui en font la demande, équipées d'une antenne parabolique et d'un décodeur ad hoc, peuvent être autorisées à retransmettre les programmes, en direct ou en différé. Le site de Radio Vatican propose des programmes "on demand" en français et dans beaucoup d'autres langues, dont pour l'Afrique : Amharic, Arabic, French, English, Tigrina, Kiswahili, Portuguese, Somali, Spanish. ( Ces émissions peuvent être téléchargées et utilisées. Toutefois un contact préalable est demandé: Le site offre aussi des informations et des nouvelles non seulement sur le Vatican et l'Eglise, mais des actualités du monde. Les bulletins d'informations de Radio Vatican sont très appréciés. De plus le site propose des liens vers d'autres sites du Vatican.

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