Radio Internationale Ressource / Resource   


Radio Internationale

Deutsche Welle DW GERMANY

Contact :
Adresse / Address : Raderberggürtel 50
      50968 Köln
Tel. : +49 221 389 0
Fax. : +49 221 389 3000
EMail :  
URL : EN / FR / PO
Created : Statut : Public

Mission Statement : In the new millennium, DW’s profile sets great store in "regionalization". For DW-RADIO, this means that programmers are focusing, for instance, on listeners in the European Union accession countries. At the same time, the German Service is opening Asian and African "time slots" and intensifying – like the English Service – its focus on information, in particular in the areas of business and the arts. With the 2003/2004 winter season, a reform came into effect that offers listeners more culture on the weekends – such as the new 50-minute book magazine "Goethe’s Heirs". The business magazine WISO is enriched with more background information and the Weltspiegel now airs longer. In regions of conflict and countries with restricted freedom of speech and the press, the fact remains that reliable and objective reporting is of the highest value, creates permanent bonds and credibility – hence high standing. This involves harmonizing continuity and flexibility in the language programmes aimed at regionally restricted target groups and, particularly in acute crises, being able to react by expanding broadcasting times.

Affiliation :

Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
At DW-WORLD.DE, users will find a multilingual websites offering 30 languages, including Amharic, Kiswahili and Urdu. DW-WORLD.DE reports about politics, business, the arts and exciting events in Germany and the world. The texts are audio-visually enhanced with photos, videos and sounds. Another web offer from Deutsche Welle is the service-oriented research and university portal "". Here you can find answers to all your questions about studying and research in Germany in five languages. Intercultural exchange is also the aim of another portal, in which DW is a chief participant, along with the Goethe Institute, the Institute for Foreign Relations and the Federal Office for Political Education: promotes dialogue between Germany and the Islamic world. Deutsche Welle is also well known among the broadcaster community for its Radio and TV training centres. The Training Centre is committed to promoting international broadcast development. The Deutsche Welle Radio Training Centre in Bonn and the Television Training Centre in Berlin offer training and consultancy to broadcast organisations in developing countries. Full information available on the website, as well as the DW Infotheque which offers everyone a glimpse into the world of radio - from the beginner to the expert, on the following subjects: studio operations, studio maintenance, modern technologies and useful links about professional organisations, news sources, manufacturers and suppliers, technical operations and white papers. ______________FRANCAIS DW-WORLD.DE est un site multilingue et très riche. En Français il propose des nouvelles sur la politique allemande et internationale, les affaires et l'économie, les arts et la culture, les sports dont la Bundesliga. Un page spéciale "Afro-Presse" : l'Afrique à travers la presse allemande, des dossiers spéciaux, etc. Un cours d'allemand: fichiers audio et manuels. DW-WORLD a créé "Campus Germany" réunissant toutes les informations utiles pour ceux qui voudraient étudier en Allemagne. Bien sûr des liens vers la radio DW Radio et TV à écouter en direct. DW est particulièrement connu dans le monde de la radio et de la TV dans les pays en développement pour son Centre de Formation. Le Centre de Formation Radiophonique (CFR) propose des sessions de formation. Le Centre de Formation Radiophonique (CFR) propose aux organismes partenaires dans les pays en développement et en Europe de l'Est des sessions de formation et de conseil dans tous les domaines importants pour le développement de la radio. Son but est de créer pour la radio en tant que média un carrefour international et d'offrir aux communicateurs la possiblitité d'échanger des expériences et de trouver en commun des réponses aux questions pressantes de notre époque. Le site de DW offre une information complète sur le CFR, mais aussi une Infothèque qui vaut le détour: l'infothèque permet de découvrir une sélection du matériel didactique du CFR de la DW. Pour l'instant ce matériel de l'infothèque n'est disponible qu'en anglais. De nombreux liens aussi vers les sites d'organisations professionnelles, de sources de nouvelles, de fabricants et fournisseurs de matériel et de logiciels, des papiers techniques.

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