Réseau International / International Network Ressource / Resource   


Réseau International / International Network

Association Mondiale des Radiodiffusseurs Communautaires - AMARC AMARC CANADA

Contact : BUCKLEY, Steve, président - SOLERVICENS, Marcelo, Secr. Gen.
Adresse / Address : 705 rue Bourget, bureau 100
      Montréal, Québec, Canada, H4C 2M6
Tel. : 1-514 982-0351
Fax. : +1-514 849-7129
EMail : amarc@amarc.org 
URL : http://www.amarc.org EN / FR / SP
Created : 1983 Statut : International

Mission Statement : AMARC is an international non-governmental organization serving the community radio movement, with almost 3 000 members and associates in 106 countries. Its goal is to support and contribute to the development of community and participatory radio along the principals of solidarity and international cooperation. All continents are represented on AMARC's International Board. AMARC's Principles AMARC's Declaration of Principles states, among other things, that members of AMARC: * Contribute to the expression of different social, political and cultural movements, and to the promotion of all initiatives supporting peace, friendship among peoples. * Recognize the fundamental and specific role of women in establishing new communication practices. * Express through their programming: o the sovereignty and independence of all peoples; solidarity and non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries; o international cooperation based on the creation of permanent and widespread ties based on equality, reciprocity, and mutual respect; o non-discrimination on the basis of race, sex, sexual preference or religion ; o and respect for the cultural identity of peoples. The Principles advocated and promoted by AMARC members are equally expressed and realized in various Charters and Declarations: * The Milan Declaration * Community Radio Charter for Europe * Carta de las Radios Comunitarias y Ciudadanas * The People's Communication Charter * Declaration of the Latin American and Caribbean Festival of Radioempassioned and Televisionaries

Affiliation :

Nb Members : 3000

Commentaire / Comment.
AMARC is the widest, and the best known organisation of community radio station in the World. AMARC has branches in the various continents, including Africa (link with AMARC Africa in TRRAACE website, sub-menu 'African Networks"). The AMARC website quotes various definitions of what is a Community Radio from various sources, under the section "AMARC & Community Radio". The website summarises the AMARC Strategic Plan 2003-2006 as decided during the last World Congress: Institutional reinforcement, Public education and mobilisation, Lobbying and advocacy, ICTs and capacity building, Women's International Network, Asia/Pacific Region, Community Media Fund. As we can imagine, such a website proposes also many links under the following headlines: National Associations, International NGOs, Training Centers, Inter-governmental Agencies, Funding Agencies, Women's Links. From 11th to 17th November 2006, AMARC held its 9th Congress in Amman, Jordan. "The conference has provided a very rich forum for knowledge sharing in the plenary and workshop sessions", said Steve Buckley, who was re-elected as AMARC president. We concluded the first phase of an extensive review of the state of community radio, its impact and AMARC's effectiveness, and have achieved a broad consensus on AMARC's priorities for the period ahead. It will be important to complete the documentation of this as comprehensively as possible in order to contribute to the body of knowledge about community radio and the current state of play." More than 300 broadcasters and radio advocates from a record-number 94 countries took part in the week-long conference and training programme, The organisation agreed on a strategic plan and budget for 2007-2010. Five main development areas were identified. The goals are: * Advocacy and policy research: to achieve improvement in the policy, legal and regulatory environment for community media, and for the right to communicate; * Knowledge sharing and capacity building: to strengthen the sustainability, effectiveness and relevance of community media, and to increase the appropriation of community media by excluded and marginalised communities to better identify, discuss, articulate and voice their development concerns; * Content exchange and social action campaigns: to amplify the voices of the excluded and marginalised on key issues in sustainable democratic development, and to strengthen south- centered perspectives; * Gender equality and women’s rights: To promote women’s voices and rights, to combat gender-based discrimination, and to strengthen women’s participation in community media at all levels; and * Network development and communication: To strengthen AMARC’s structure and functioning, to strengthen country, regional and international networking and communication within the community media sector, and to strengthen alliances between community media and other networks and social movements. The congress elected an International Board of Directors that includes: Steve Buckley, President, Aleida Calleja as deputy president Elizabeth Robinson, treasurer Marcelo Solervicens, Secretary General Maria Victoria Cabrera Balleza, Vice President of the Women International Network, Maria Pia Matta, Vice President for Latin America & the Caribbean Ashish Sen, Vice President of AMARC Asia Pacific Grace Githaiga, Vice President for Africa Mariano Sanchez, Vice President for Europe Daoud Kuttab, Vice President for Middle East-North Africa Oumar Seck Ndiaye, Vice President Sony Steuss, Vice President Jim Ellinger, Vice President _________________FRANCAIS AMARC est la plus large et la mieux connue des organisations de radios communautaires dans le monde. AMARC a des sections continentales, dont l'AMARC Afrique (voir lea présentation et le lien dans la catégorie "Réseaux Africains" de TRRAACE). Le site de l'AMARC cite plusieurs définitions de la Radio Communautaires, extraites de diverses sources (voir section "AMARC & Radio Communautaire"). Le site résume le plan stratégique 2003-2006 de l'AMARC, et propose de nombreux liens pertinents pour les radioteurs communautaires organisés selon les catégories suivantes: Associations nationales et fédérations, ONG internationales, Centres de formation, Agences inter-gouvernementales, Agences de financement, Liens entre femmes.

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