Mission Statement : |
FreeVoice’s vision All over the world, the media are essential for peoples’ individual development, and ability to participate in society. Independent media give citizens relevant information about society they live in, and different perspectives on social reality. People with access to independent information sources are better equipped to make choices. And people whose voice can be heard through the media, are able to participate in society. In developing countries, a free, independent and generally accessible media is essential to the development of democratic institutions, and a more stable balance of power. In addition, the media in these countries play an important role in: education and public information (health care, agriculture, human rights, etc.) combating corruption normalisation of tense relationships (conflict management) By advancing the cause of freedom of information, pluralism of the news supply, and the reinforcement of independent media organisations, FreeVoice makes an essential and specific contribution to democratic social structures and a more stable balance of power, in developing countries. Because structural poverty leads to a permanent lack of opportunities, choices and options, FreeVoice and its work also play a part in combating structural poverty in developing countries. FreeVoice’s mission FreeVoice strives for maximum access to independent news, knowledge and information for communities in The South, particularly the socially weaker groups in society, by optimising the pluralism, quality and availability of the (journalistic) sources. |