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Réseau Africain / African Network

National Broadcasters Association of Liberia NABAL LIBERIA

Contact : Mr. Martin N. Brown, President - Mr. A. Harvey Rogers, Secretary General
Adresse / Address : Tel. :
Fax. :
EMail :  
Created : 2005 Statut : Privé

Mission Statement : A release issued in Monrovia said the National Broadcasters Association of Liberia would seek to serve as a regulatory body of all broadcasters in the country by qualifying them before they are employed by any and or all broadcast institutions.

Affiliation :

Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
A professional organization, known and styled, "National Broadcasters Association of Liberia, NABAL" has been formed in Monrovia. According to its organizers, NABAL is aimed at unifying all broadcast journalists in Liberia and ensuring that its members benefit from improved working conditions as regards merit system, salaries that would commensurate with qualification and better incentives. A release issued in Monrovia said the National Broadcasters Association of Liberia would seek to serve as a regulatory body of all broadcasters in the country by qualifying them before they are employed by any and or all broadcast institutions. Following a review of the NABAL Article of Incorporation and By Laws and Constitution, the Broadcasters said the Press Union Of Liberia (PUL) has accepted the association as full-fledged auxiliary of the union. The interim leaders of NABAL include Mr. Martin N. Brown, President, Ms. Sarah Hayes-Cooper, Vice President, Mr. A. Harvey Rogers, Secretary General, Anthony Vanwen, Assistant Secretary General, Moses Nyanti, Chaplain among others. The Association's Board of Directors includes Messrs. Max Willie, Wilson K. Tarpeh, Mrs. Fannie Cole-Weefur, Dr. Jonathan Reffel and Cllr. Source: The NEWS (Monrovia), September 26, 2005 - Posted to the web September 26, 2005 and quoted by allAfrica.com

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