Auteur / Author : Francis ROLT CD-ROM
Titre / Title : Target Audiences for Peacebuilding Radio: A Training Guide
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : Radio for Peacebuilding EN
Année / Year : 2010   Nbr. Pages :      19 pages, size of PDF fil     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
Published by Radio for Peacebuilding, a project of Search for Common Ground, this training guide is designed to encourage radio stations producing peacebuilding content to consider who the listeners are, what kind of programmes they enjoy, where they will be listening, and what time of day they are able to listen to the radio. According to the guide, different groups of people (gender, age, education, employment, etc.) listen to the radio for different reasons and at different times of the day. Some listen to learn something new, others to be entertained and relax, or to hear the news. Some people listen to specific programmes because they share the values of the programme and they largely agree with what is said or discussed. Others may listen to the same programme because they disagree, but they want to understand another's point of view. As stated in the guide, considering target audiences helps radio producers create better programmes, which reach and influence the people they want to reach and influence. The guide intends to give readers more clarity about what a target audience is, how to define the target audience for their programmes, and how to design a programme so that it has the greatest influence.
Source: Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio, 5 Jan. 2011

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