Auteur / Author : BESSETTE, Guy LIVRE / BOOK
Titre / Title : Involving the Community: A Guide to Participatory Development Communication
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : Southbound (Malaysia) in association with IDRC EN
Année / Year : 2004   Nbr. Pages :      168 pages     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
This guide is intended for people working in research and development. It introduces participatory development communication concepts, discusses the use of effective two-way communication approaches, and presents a methodology to plan, develop and evaluate communication strategies to address the following questions:
- How can researchers and practitioners improve communication with local communities and other stakeholders?
- How can two-way communication enhance community participation in research and development initiatives and improve the capacity of communities to participate in the management of their natural resources?
- How can researchers, community members and development practitioners improve their ability to effectively reach policy makers and promote change?

Excerpt of table of content:
How to plan a participatory development communication strategy
o Introduction
o The methodological approach
o Step 1: Establishing a relationship with a local community and understanding the local setting
o Step 2: Involving the community in the identification of a problem, its potential solutions, and the decision to carry out a concrete initiative
o Step 3: Identifying the different community groups and other stakeholders concerned with the identified problem (or goal) and initiative
o Step 4: Identifying communication needs, objectives and activities
o Step 5: Identifying appropriate communication tools
o Step 6: Preparing and pre-testing communication content and materials
o Step 7: Facilitating partnerships
o Step 8: Producing an implementation plan
o Step 9: Monitoring and evaluating the communication strategy and documenting the development or research process
o Step 10: Planning the sharing and utilization of results
o Concluding remarks

Using communication tools with a participatory approach
o Introduction

Types of communication tools in PDC
o Interpersonal communication tools
o Group media tools
o Traditional media tools
o Mass media tools
o Information and communication technologies tools

Identifying communication tools for different kinds of applications
o Triggering the process of participatory communication
o Supporting and moderating discussion groups
o Extending group discussion sessions
o Reaching other groups or participants beyond the immediate locale
o Supporting learning and the exchange of knowledge
o Helping participants communicate with each other or with a specific group
o Evaluating and keeping a record of activities

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