The Art of Radio gives an overview of limits and constraints to be considered when starting a new or when running an existing radio station. Although the book's introduction by Fr. Renato Kizito Sesana focuses particularly on the value of radio and communication for the Catholic Church, the book addresses not only Catholic media workers but all radio promoters, directors of radio stations as well as students of media training schools. In eight chapters the authors refer to aspects like audience, programme, staff, technical equipment and finances. Written in a clear style the content is often related to case studies (predominantly to Catholic radio stations) and enriched with practical advice. The book can be recommended to anyone looking for a first introduction to radio broadcasting. Additionally, reference books and useful addresses of media assocations are mentioned at the end of the book. (Book review from "Media Forum" 2/2002, CAMECO)
The creation of a radio involves having clear goals and knowing all its aspects, limits and contraints. This book offers to the radio promoter the technical, administrative, financial and managerial elements that are necessary to plan the project. Future directors of a managers of the technical sectors will find here indispensable information on how to make the radio station move and how to make the work proceed in the context of limited resources and means. ISBN 9966-21-384-8 |