Auteur / Author : Kathy Bonk, Henry Griggs, Emily Tynes LIVRE / BOOK
Titre / Title : The Jossey-Bass Guide to Strategic Communications for Nonprofits
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : Communications Consortium Media Center EN
Année / Year : 1999   Nbr. Pages :      192 pages     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
This 192-page book, written by CCMC founders Kathy Bonk, Emily Tynes and Henry Griggs, is a distillation of more than a half century of collective media experience. It is a step-by step guide for nonprofits that want to work with the media in order to generate publicity, build membership, advocate for issues, advance an agenda, raise money, respond effectively to a crisis or attacks, and more.

Table of Contents
1. The basics of strategic communications
2. Understanding the importance of messengers and timing
3. Navigating the news media
4. Designing a communications plan
5. Targeting audiences, conducting research and developing messages
6. Producing effective graphics and printed materials
7. Making the most of your resources
8. Earning good media coverage
9. Selecting and training spokespeople
10. Capitalizing on the power of partnerships
11. Making paid advertising and public service announcements work
12. Responding to crisis and managing backlash
13. Evaluating your results
14. Resources, including checklists and planning forms

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