Auteur / Author : ONLINE
Titre / Title : A Handbook for Telecentre Staff
Collection / Series : Web document
Editeur / Publisher : Developed by Cornell University EN
Année / Year : 2005   Nbr. Pages :          Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
A guidebook for telecentre managers and others setting up local access centres; it is designed to cover the daily workings of a telecentre for community development.
The Handbook provides a panoramic overview of the wide range of different aspects that may come into play in the planning and daily functioning of a telecenter for community development. As a manual, it stands not only as a self-learning tool and management guide for telecenter staffs, but also as a reference resource to guide a future search for additional educational materials. In this latter sense, the Handbook may also serve as a reference tool for organizations involved in telecenter development, or as a guide for trainers of telecenter staffs.
The Handbook is organized in ten modules.
1. The Role of Telecenters in our Communities

2. Community Participation in Your Telecenter

3. Research Methods for Needs Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation

4. The Role of the Telecenter Manager
5. Basic Guidelines for Telecenter Financial Sustainability
6. Marketing your Telecenter
7. Communication Planning for Telecenters and their Partners
8. Information Production and Dissemination
9. Effective Training in Telecenter Activities

10. Making Computers Work for You

These modules are complementary, but they can be read or consulted in any order to suit the needs of the reader. Nonetheless, this handbook is necessarily a permanent work in progress. This manual is not static: it is an expansive resource, a beginning. In any case, first and foremost, this manual is an invitation. It is an invitation to participate in an ongoing learning experience. This handbook considers telecenters an opportunity for community development through participation and shared learning and that spirit prompts the expectation that you and others will continually reinvent and improve it as a useful practical manual for sustaining the value of telecenters. We hope that the Handbook can help stimulate this learning process.

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