Auteur / Author : ONLINE
Titre / Title : The Economics of Rural Radio in Africa. An Introductory Study into the Costs and Revenues
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : Farm Radio International, Ottawa EN
Année / Year : 2008   Nbr. Pages :      102 pages / 732 Kb     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
The study revealed that there is great variability to costs and revenues associated with radio programming for farmers, depending on the type of station, and the policies and broadcasting culture of the country. While it is generally less expensive to operate programming through community stations than commercial and public stations, the sustainability and potential reach of the programming from community stations is bounded by the limited resources available. The costs associated with trained personnel and management range from country to country but the human resource investment contributes to the long-term sustainability of farm radio programming.
Further research is needed on the specific requirements of certain stations for production and management of programming for farmers. There is no shortage of investment for starting up radio stations (in particular community stations), but the common challenge remains the sustainability of such stations beyond the initial investment. A larger study of the economics of radio should involve country case studies, including the different types of stations operating in the country, and the varying management and programming styles used. This study could then inform potential investors on the detailed resources required to support educational programming for farmers in a particular country.
[Excerpt from introduction]

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