Auteur / Author : ONLINE
Titre / Title : Participatory Communication Strategy Design. A Handbook
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : SADC/FAO EN
Année / Year : 2004   Nbr. Pages :      111 pages / 1,2 Mb     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
This handbook is intended as a training and reference guide for designing and implementing Communication for Development strategies for field projects. The Participatory Communication Strategy Design (PCSD) methodology is used to build on the results of the Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal (PRCA). PCSD outlines how to involve people in decision-making processes for effective communication planning and action.
The handbook presents a step-by-step methodology for participatory communication strategy design, and the principles for communication planning, message development, multimedia material production and the implementation of communication activities in the field. Although the book does not deal with the technical aspects of media production, it specifies the requirements for effective use of communication approaches, media and materials among rural communities. It aims to help users plan, supervise and monitor the implementation of the whole communication strategy process.
The methodology proposed by the PCSD handbook has been tested in several training workshops in Africa. The publishers also report it has been applied with success to various development projects dealing with agriculture, health, education, income generation, gender, water and sanitation, animal husbandry and poverty alleviation.
Source: Communication Initiative, Website:


* About the Participatory Communication Strategy Design Handbook

* Objectives of the Handbook
Chapter 1: The Foundation of Communication Strategy Design

* Communication Strategy Design: A Definition

* Transforming Field Findings into Useful Accounts

* Putting Together the Communication Strategy

* Selecting Communication Modes and Approaches: The Communication Intervention
Chapter 2: Participatory Design of Messages and Discussion Themes

* Creating Basic Messages and Discussion Themes: An Overview

* Developing the Creative Strategy or Copy Platform

* Preliminary Monitoring of Message and Discussion Themes' Effectiveness
Chapter 3: Communication Materials and Media Issues

* Using Radio in Communication for Development

* Using Print Materials in Communication for Development

* Using Video in Communication for Development

* Using Popular Theatre in Communication for Development

* Communication and Creativity: Combining Contents, Media Characteristics

* and Treatment Field Staff Training on How to Effectively Use Communication Materials

* Summary of the Basic Steps in the Production Process
Chapter 4: Managing the Planning and Implementation of the Communication Programme

* Using SAF to Organise your Data into an Effective Work Plan

* Monitoring the Communication Process

* Summative Evaluation

* Final Considerations
This book has been prepared by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Centre of Communication for Development in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Communication for Development group.

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