This publication is part of a series of Portuguese-language training materials produced during "Strengthening Democracy and Governance through Development of the Media in Mozambique," a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)/ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) media development project that ran from 1998 to 2006 in Mozambique. According to the English-language forward, "community radio is maybe the single-most important tool for turning ambitions of creating a democracy into practice. To actually take this potential and development challenge serious, a number of prerequisites have to be in place. One of the most important of these is to ensure that the programmes of the radio are responding to the development priorities of a given community." This manual was created to help guide new community radio producers and programme makers, in order to encourage participation in radio stations by community members. It was used during various training courses and thematic seminars during the scope of the project. The manual is, however, also meant to be used for self-study in communities, where new community members may be joining the station on a daily basis, offering some of their time as a community volunteer. It includes information about the history and principles of community radio, reporting, interviewing, creating programmes, relevant legislation and ethics related to community radio in Mozambique. |