Auteur / Author : Caroline Mitchell, Brian Lister and Tony O'Shea ONLINE
Titre / Title : Managing Radio
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : EN
Année / Year : 2009   Nbr. Pages :          Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
Managing Radio is the first detailed and comprehensive practical guide to all the essential elements of managing radio stations. It covers the management of public service, commercial and community radio stations and the wide range of new DAB, online, web and independent production opportunities.
This publication comes out of a collaborative project between the authors, Caroline Mitchell, Brian Lister and Dr. Anthony O'Shea, who have worked together on radio management courses for the University of Sunderland's successful MA in Radio (Production and Management).
A useful text for students studying the theory and practice of managing radio, it is also an authoritative guide to setting up a station or radio service from scratch. It explores how to create sustainable radio through managing for profit, public service or the participation of the audience in all parts of the station.
Managing Radio provides useful practical advice, examples of contemporary radio management practices and case studies of management in action, backed up with references to wider academic reading in media, business and cultural studies.
This online edition is published in association with the University of Sunderland Department of Media by Sound Concepts and edited by Brian Lister.
Source: Website

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