Auteur / Author : Dennis List ONLINE
Titre / Title : Participative Marketing for Local Radio
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : Original Books (New Zealand) EN
Année / Year : 2003   Nbr. Pages :      160 pages     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
Radio marketing is the topic of a section of the Audience Dialogue website, which contains most chapters of Dennis List's new book, Participative Marketing for Local Radio. Participative marketing is a new way of thinking about a timeless concept: that marketing is not just something that big corporations do to consumers, but something that everybody does when engaged in any kind of purposeful activity. What's new about the idea of participative marketing is that it deliberately weaves a strong web of relationships to bring people together for a common purpose. If it works properly, there's no exploitation, but a filling of mutual needs. "Participative marketing" extends the idea of "relationship marketing" to cover all types of communications and social networks.
The book is written to be useful for any kind of local radio station, but is specially designed for community stations. These are perfectly suited to the participative approach,being generally short of money but well resourced with people.
This is not a how-to-do-it manual, but a sourcebook of ideas, principles, and possibilities. It is aimed particularly at people who are new to local radio, and are interested in developing a comprehensive method of marketing.

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