Auteur / Author : | Faruco Sadique | ONLINE |
Titre / Title : | Manual Tematico Grupo Editorial de Agricultura | |
Collection / Series : | ||
Editeur / Publisher : | UNDP - UNESCO |
Année / Year : | 2003 | Nbr. Pages : 69 pages / 409 Kb Taille / Size | ||
URL : | | |||
Evaluation / Book review. |
Content development within specific themes – Example: Agriculture Production of programmes on Agriculture within the Editorial Group Foreword A community radio is a unique local force for development. It has the fantastic capacity of a mass medium, facilitating that a few people can communicate effectively with many. Once the installation is carried out, and the radio is really on air, the producers can very easily be in instantaneous touch with the listeners - with the community. Any important news can immediately be carried into to the radio receivers of the community. Besides from these general traits, true for any kind of radio: public national or local radio, commercial radio or special interest radio (religious for instance), the community radio has the rare and special condition of belonging to a very limited group of people: not a country, not a province, but a smaller community, where the basic conditions for life and its challenges are more or less the same. Within such a community many things are common - but even more things are different for the people living there. We therefore talk about "the communities within the community. Because even though the bad road access to our town and district, the weak services of the hospital, the good or bad quality of the soil are shared conditions, they affect us different. We all make up part both of the bigger, overall community, but also of many smaller, specific interest communities. These are decided by age, level of education, experience, what you do for a living, where you live, your religion, your family situation etc.etc. This is why UNESCO in Mozambique has chosen to organize the work of the community radio it supports in "editorial groups". These are groups of community programme producers, who produce programmes around one of the many special interests of the community, identified in the initial audience research. One of the most important such special areas of interest and work is that of the farming community. Most Mozambicans live on the land we farm, which provide us with the food that sustain us, and which we trade for day-to-day necessities. Some of us have been fortunate enough to manage to produce more than we eat, and need to market and sell our produce to earn money to pay for family needs. Many of us have found ways that are more effective of working in the area of Agriculture, and we need to use the community radios to share these experiences - and to air our difficulties, because maybe through the radio we could find some solutions? We also know that in most countries of the world, farmers believe much more in their fellow farmers and their concrete experiences than they believe in the authorities, who may have limited experience with actually farming the land on a day-to-day basis. All of this has to guide us in our ways of using the community radio as effectively as possible. We, the community programme producers: farmers and non-farmers alike in the editiorial group, need to identify the situation, the challenges and the successes in the area of farming where we live. We need to see how the radio can be used most effectively to be a true friend and companion - and a community service - to all farmers in our area. The manual you are holding in your hands right now has been produced to help you do exactly this: step by step find out, together with your editorial group, how to ensure that your community radio becomes the effective tool for social development and change that you and your community wants! |