This Community Radio Handbook aims to show that ordinary people, even non-technical rural folk, can plan , set up, manage and produce radio programmes by themselves with a minimum of dependence on outside help, whether for technical advice and training or for funds and equipment. Although quite a number of radio stations began with a big helping hand from outside, many community stations that are on air today were 2self-start-ups”. They began with a minimum of equipment and technical knowledge, but a strong community organization and a group will to push ahead and succeed. The Handbook highlights the case-stories of several such stations, including Homa Bay Radio in Kenya, Radio Apam in Ghana, Miner’s Radio in Bolivia, Radio Sagarmatha in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, Tambuli Community Radio n the Philippines and several others, in order to share these creative experiences with others preparing to set up similar radio stations. As a handy reference for planning, management, technical background, group dynamics, broadcasting legislation, and radio production formats based on pioneering experiences, this book is a basic yet comprehensive and practical reader for communication students, researchers and community broadcasters (from the back cover page). |