Auteur / Author : GIRARD, Bruce (ed.) ONLINE
Titre / Title : A Passion for Radio. Radio Waves and Community
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : EN
Année / Year : 2001   Nbr. Pages :      185 pages / 622 kb     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
Written by people actively – and passionately – involved in the medium, this book presents twenty-one alternative radio
experiences from countries on every continent of the globe.
From the El Salvador guerrilla-operated Radio Venceremos to the native-owned Wawatay Radio Network in Northern Canada, alternative and community radio stations play an essential role for those at the margins of society – a medium that lets them speak as well as hear.
Among the stories told in the book are: Radio Echo of Moscow and the August 1991 coup d'état; two women's radio projects – in Peru and the Philippines: how indigenous people's radio in Canada and Mexico strengthen their communities: the Marconi Radio Taster's Café that is the doorway to the world of Radio 100, an Amsterdam squatters' station: the positive and negative side of international aid for a Sri Lankan local radio project: the history and prospects for community radio in South Africa: a tiny Black "pirate" station that has challenged the police and the Federal Communications Commission in the USA; the role of the El Salvadoran guerrilla station Radio Venceremos in a major rebel offensive. The electronic edition also includes a new chapter about Radio Chaguarurco, a station serving rural communities in Ecuador.

First published in 1992, this book provides a fascinating glimpse of community radio 10 years ago, and a reminder of how much has changed, and how much has not…

The book is also available on CD Rom. Send email to for details.

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