Radios internationales
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British Broadcasting Company - BBC EN / FR / PO Radio Internationale
The BBC website is a real portail on England, as well as on news about the world. Indeed it offers access on all the BBC radio ( and television stations , including the BBC World ( which proposes news and audio in 43 languages ... ENGLAND

Channel Africa - Voice of the African Renaissance EN / FR / PO Radio Internationale
Channel Africa is the SABC international radio service. As a station based in South Africa, Channel Africa wants to provide a window into the new democratic South Africa as well as a role to play in showcasing the democratic dispensation in the country. This also entails promoting a culture of respe ... SOUTH AFRICA

COMFM EN / FR Radio Internationale
All radios of the world on line. Among them 219 African radios. For each radio the website allows to inform a friend by email about its existencel. But more interesting according to the level of presence of the radio on the Net, a simple click allows you to go to the radio website or to listen it li ...

Deutsche Welle EN / FR / PO Radio Internationale
At DW-WORLD.DE, users will find a multilingual websites offering 30 languages, including Amharic, Kiswahili and Urdu. DW-WORLD.DE reports about politics, business, the arts and exciting events in Germany and the world. The texts are audio-visually enhanced with photos, videos and sounds. Another web ... GERMANY

Mediaradio EN / FR Radio Internationale
[ENGLISH follows] Les radios du monde en ligne. La recherche peut se faire par genre, langue, nom de stations ou localisation. Ici l'Afrique et la francophonie ne sont pas très présents. Faites-vous connaître près du webmaster. propose également d'autres sites intéressants: Le kiosque ... CANADA

Radio Africa N° 1 FR Radio Internationale
Africa N°1 a la particularité d'avoir deux régies de diffusion distantes de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres : une à Paris et l'autre à Libreville. Les journaux d'information et la majorité des émissions, comme "Kilimanjaro" ou "Africa Vie", sont diffusées depuis le Gabon. "Couleur des mots" ou "Afr ... GABON

Radio Canada International EN / FR / PO Radio Internationale
[ENGLISH & PORTUGUESE here below] Il y a de multiples façons d'écouter RCI: Où que vous soyez, au Canada ou ailleurs au monde, vous pouvez syntoniser Radio Canada International, sur ondes courtes analogiques et numériques, sur Internet (, satellite, et sur les ondes de radios partenair ... CANADA

Radio France Internationale EN / FR Radio Internationale
Comme la plupart des radios internationales, le site de RFI propose une large gamme de services : l'écoute en ligne en direct ou par émission depuis la banque des programmes. Le site se veut également un espace d'information très riche et d'interaction forte avec les auditeurs; il offre un espace d ... FRANCE

Radio Nederland EN / SP / PO Radio Internationale
Radio Nederland currently broadcasts radio programmes and publishes Internet pages in six languages: Dutch, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian and Papiamento. The programme division also supplies stations in Africa with radio programming via satellite in French, bringing the total to seven. Th ... THE NETHERLANDS

Radio Vaticana EN / FR / PO Radio Internationale
[FRANCAIS ci-dessous] Vatican Radio is an international transmitting station that broadcasts in more than 40 languages. Vatican Radio is more than a simple radio, its radio programme offers a large range of programmes from live news, religious transmissions, in-depth reflections on various subjects ... ITALY

Voice of America EN / FR / PO Radio Internationale
The Voice of America reaches people with more than 1,000 hours of weekly programming in 45 languages at their convenience, anytime, anywhere through RealAudio on the Internet, along with shortwave, AM, FM and satellite broadcasts. In many African countries, VOA arranges agreements allowing private F ... USA