Target Audiences for Peacebuilding Radio: A Training Guide |
2010 |
EN |
Published by Radio for Peacebuilding, a project of Search for Common Ground, this training guide is designed to encourage radio stations producing peacebuilding content to consider who the listeners are, what kind of programmes they enjoy, where they will be listening, and what time of day they are ... |
Management Guide for Broadcasters |
1997 |
EN |
This guide is the second of a series of books published by Panos Paris to the benefit of "new radio-broadcasters". The first one ("Le Guide du radiodiffuseur, only available in French) dealt with the establishing and launching of a radio station: how to get a frequency, which equipment to choose, ho... |
L'Etude de l'auditoire des radios rurales. Atelier de formation (Bamako, 1997) |
1997 |
FR |
... |
Who Rules the Airwaves? Broadcasting in Africa |
1995 |
EN |
Radio is still the most effective mass medium in Africa. Poverty and illiteracy make the alternatives, such as television and newspapers, inaccessible to most Africans. Radio has huge power which explains why, even in countries where independent broadcasting has become a reality, the government has ... |
Le Pluralisme radiophonique en Afrique de l'Ouest. Tome 1 et 2 |
1993 |
FR |
Ce livre date de plus de 10 ans. Des premières années du mouvement de libéralisation des ondes en Afrique de l'Ouest. Un tour d'horizon par pays de la situation légale et des développements du paysage radiophoniqueaux débuts des années '90 dans la sous-région. Certes l'actualité est révolue, mais un... |
Broadcasting Genocide. Censorship, Propaganda & State-Sponsored Violence in Rwanda 1990-1994 |
1996 |
EN |
Were the media in general, and in particular radio, responsible and cause of the 1994 Rwandan genocide? Is there any direct and causal relationship between the media propaganda for genocide and the genocide itself? Should action have been taken to silence “Radio des Mille Collines” (RTLM)? Or due t... |
Leis da Midia na SADC: Republica de Moçambique |
2006 |
EN |
Journalists and media professionals working in Sub-Saharan African countries can access two new books focusing on media law in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Leis da Midia na SADC: Mozambique is available in English and Portuguese and Revue du Droit des Medias: Republique Deomocra... |
SADC Media Law. A Handbook for Media Practitioners: The Republic of Mozambique |
2006 |
EN |
Journalists and media professionals working in Sub-Saharan African countries can access two new books focusing on media law in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Leis da Midia na SADC: Mozambique is available in English and Portuguese and Revue du Droit des Medias: Republique Deomocra... |
Manuel pour les Journalistes africains |
2000 |
FR |
Le but de ce manuel est de fournir une information concrète sur la pratique quotidienne du journalisme, ainsi qu'une réflexion sur la liberté de la presse et les problèmes inhérents à son exercice.Ce manuel s'adresse aux étudiants en journalisme en Afrique, mais aussi à des journalistes qui ont déjà... |
Liberté pour les Radios Africaine. Freedom for African Radios |
1994 |
EN / FR |
... |
Manuel Pulaar/Fulfulde d’animation des radios communautaires |
2009 |
FR |
Cette publication est destinée aux animateurs des radios communautaires d’Afrique sub-saharienne et constitue un outil à la fois pratique et indispensable pour les locuteurs pulaar. Le Pulaar est la langue maternelle de millions de personnes dans toute l’Afrique. Il est également utilisé comme un m... |
Manual de Procedimentos Administrativos das Radios Comunitarias e Centros Multmedia |
2003 |
Administrative Manual – on basic procedures and healthy routines... |
Guide du Radiodiffuseur |
1995 |
FR |
Comment obtenir une fréquence radio? Quels équipements choisir? Comment installer et entretenir ces équipements? Comment animer et programmer une station? C'est pour répondre à ces questions, trouver des éléments de réponses à ses besoins que l'Institut Panos a décidé de réaliser ce guide, au début ... |
Vous dire la vérité - Initiative pour un journalisme éthique |
2010 |
FR |
L'Initiative pour un journalisme éthique (IJE) est une campagne mondiale lancée par les syndicats et associations de journalistes. Son objectif : nourrir et encourager l'excellence journalistique et renforcer l'idée que les médias ont une mission. Les propositions reprises dans cet ouvrage reflèten... |
Training Course in Audience Research for Community Radio Stations |
2001 |
EN |
Community Radio needs to have established mechanism for audience needs assessment in aim to fulfil expectation of community. This "Training Course" offers all required materials - Training Modules, Trainer’s Notes and Handouts - for a three-day training session about audience research methods suited... |
Involving the Community: A Guide to Participatory Development Communication |
2004 |
EN |
This guide is intended for people working in research and development. It introduces participatory development communication concepts, discusses the use of effective two-way communication approaches, and presents a methodology to plan, develop and evaluate communication strategies to address the fol... |
The Art of Radio. English adaptation by Giuseppe Caramazza |
2001 |
EN |
The Art of Radio gives an overview of limits and constraints to be considered when starting a new or when running an existing radio station. Although the book's introduction by Fr. Renato Kizito Sesana focuses particularly on the value of radio and communication for the Catholic Church, the book add... |
Créer, gérer et animer une radio |
1998 |
FR / PO |
Créer une radio implique d'en connaître tous les enjeux, les limites et les contraintes et d'en maîtriser les contenus. Ce manuel se propose de fournir tous les éléments nécessaires à chaque étape de la construction d'un tel projet : techniques, administratifs, de mise en onde, de financement et de ... |
Broadcasting, Voice, and Accountability. A Public Interest Approach to Policy, Law, and Regulation |
2008 |
EN |
This book provides guidelines, tools, and real world examples to help assess and reform the enabling environment for media development that serves public interest goals. It builds on a growing awareness of the role of media and voice in the promotion of transparent and accountable governance, in the... |
News reporting and broadcasting |
2002 |
EN |
According to the author, Fr Giuseppe Caramazza, a Comboni Missionary, News reporting and broadcasting is an introductory text written for first year media students. In ten brief chapters the author takes his students through the varied demands of media writing, both print and electronic. Chapter 11 ... |
L' interview à la radio et à la télévision |
2009 |
ISBN: 978-2-7606-2179-4; EAN: : 9782760621794 N'importe qui - à condition d'avoir du talent et un peu d'instinct - peut interroger une autre personne dans le but de diffuser une information. Mais si l'on fait de l'interview son métier, connaître les règles et les techniques fait la différence entr... |
Internet pour les journalistes |
2004 |
FR |
Vous ne faites pas la différence entre Internet et le Web ? Pas grave. Elle est pourtant fondamentale. On vous explique pourquoi ! Vous avez l'impression de n'exploiter que 5 % des possibilités de vos logiciels de navigation ou de courrier électronique ? Grignotons ensemble les pourcentages ! Quel q... |
Understanding Radio |
1994 |
EN |
Understanding Radio is a fully revised edition of a key radio textbook. Andrew Crisell explores how radio processes genres such as news, drama and comedy in highly distinctive ways, and how the listener's use of the medium has important implications for audience studies. He explains why the sound me... |
Radio Learning Group Manual: how to run a radio learning group campaign |
1978 |
EN |
This manual shows one way of running a radio learning group (RLG) Campaign in all its main aspects. It is designed for use by campaign organisers and for teachers, administrators, planners and anyone else who may be intereseted. We also hope it will be used by students of Adult Education as a case s... |
Writing for Educational Radio. A Guide for scriptwriters |
1987 |
EN |
"This book is addressed to those who wish or who have to write educational programmes for radio. Its aim is to point to ways and methods of writing appropriate material for radio... It proposed to clarify the meaning of the words "radio" and "education": It reviews also various radio formats: Non-dr... |
A vous l'antenne. Précis de journalisme radio |
2000 |
FR |
Ce manuel spécifiquement publié pour l'Afrique et vendu à prix réduit sur le continent africain (FCFA 3.543.00) traite des techniques professionnelles du journalisme radio. Il se veut un guide théorique et pratiques des techniques du journalisme radio en neuf chapitres: après avoir exposé certaines ... |
Freedom of the Press. Responsibility of Media. Africa on the Way to Self-regulation. Trad. by Giuseppe Caramazza |
2003 |
EN |
In Africa the press has frequently been used as a tool of propaganda, serving the interests of the government and ruling party. Government regulations, where they exixted, were designed to exclude independent voices. However a free and responsible press is in the interests of all people in Africa. ... |
Liberté de la presse, responsabilité des médias, l’Afrique sur la voie de l’autorégulation |
2002 |
FR |
Dans nombre de pays africains, la liberté de la presse est encore toute relative, et surtout vulnérable, menacée par le pouvoir ou fragilisée par les excès dont les médias eux-mêmes se rendent coupables. Dans ce contexte sont apparues les premières instances africaines d'autorégulation des médias, v... |
African Broadcast Cultures : Radio in Transition |
2000 |
EN |
Radio has played a pivotal and all-importnt role in situations of conflict, crisis, change and development' on the African continent. Local radio stations as much as international bradcasters have been both the barometers and the agents of change. No other medium of communication in Africa comes clo... |
Les Organes de régulation de l'audiovisuel en Afrique de l'Ouest. Recueil de textes juridiques, 2 vol. |
1996 |
FR |
Les révisions des lois de l'audiovisuels et de la communication dans les pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest ont rendu cet ouvrage un peu caduque. On s'y réfèrera pour mémoire.Certains de ces textes ( Burkina-Faso, Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, Sénégal, Tchad) sont disponibles sur le site de l'Institut Panos Afr... |
Afrique centrale - Médias et conflits. Vecteurs de guerre ou acteurs de paix |
2005 |
FR |
Les médias peuvent-ils être neutres lorsqu'ils couvrent un conflit ? Le journaliste est-il, en temps de crise, un simple observateur ou un acteur à part entière ? Ces questions cruciales ont suscité de nombreuses réflexions depuis la guerre du Golfe en 1990. Mais l'Afrique centrale, principal foyer ... |
Broadcasting in Africa. A continental Survey of Radio and Television |
1974 |
EN |
It is the first comprehensive study about broadcasting in Africa. A reference book about history of radio and television in Africa. The survey is divided into three parts. Parts One deals with the individual broadcasting system of fifty-eight African political entities: Part Two describes and appra... |
Comment produire des programmes d'une radio associative? |
2002 |
FR |
Ce manuel est destiné aux animateurs, aux producteurs et aux journalistes des radios associations, afin d'orienter leur action. Il est constitué de trois parties: 1) La radio associative: un outil de communication pour le développement. Cette partie clarifie les termes de "radio associative", "ra... |
Comment créer et gérer une radio associative? |
2002 |
FR |
Ce livre est un guide destiné aux acteurs de la société civile africaine. Il s’adresse en particulier aux associations, communautés et structures de promotion du développement durable qui nourrissent l’ambition de créer une station de radiodiffusion. Le document fournit des repères pratiques pour le... |
Audiences, publics et pratiques radiophoniques |
2003 |
FR |
Le constat de la permanence de la radio malgré une augmentation considérable de la concurrence médiatique s'impose. Cette permanence doit être analysée. C'est le propos du livre "Audiences, publics et pratiques radiophoniques". Il s'agit de présenter un état des lieux de la vitalité, de la diversité... |
The Jossey-Bass Guide to Strategic Communications for Nonprofits |
1999 |
EN |
This 192-page book, written by CCMC founders Kathy Bonk, Emily Tynes and Henry Griggs, is a distillation of more than a half century of collective media experience. It is a step-by step guide for nonprofits that want to work with the media in order to generate publicity, build membership, advocate f... |
Droit, déontologie et éthique des médias |
1998 |
FR / PO |
Ce manuel est destiné à apporter aux journalistes et à leurs employeurs les données essentielles pour comprendre ou pratiquer un journalisme pertinent et responsable, respectueux des limites légales et morales nécessaires à l'exercice de cette profession, tout en dénonçant les abus dont ils sont rég... |
Law and Ethics of the Media |
2002 |
EN |
Law and Ethics of the Media gives an overview on the legal contexts and institutional status of the media referring to particular national differences and settings. In addition, a variety of rules and principles as well as values – reflecting the ethics – which journalists are confronted with in the... |
What is Community Radio : A Resource Guide |
1998 |
EN / FR |
"This booklet discusses the role of community radio stations in building participatory democracy and development in Africa - and offers ideas on how such stations can be established. It provides an understanding of the popularity of community radio, as well as the reasons why it is controversial, an... |
Qu'est-ce que la radio communautaire? Un guide pratique |
1998 |
FR |
"Ce guide examine la contribution des stations de radio communautaires à l'établissement d'une démocratie et d'un mode de développement participatif en Afrique et offre quelques idées sur la façon d'établir de telle stations". Comme le disent les auteurs, ce livre ne se veut pas un manuel de formati... |
Afrique centrale : cadres juridiques et pratiques du pluralisme radiophonique |
2005 |
FR |
Cette étude sur la radiodiffusion en Afrique centrale couvre le Burundi, le Cameroun, le Congo, le Gabon, la Guinée équatoriale, la République centrafricaine, la République démocratique du Congo, le Rwanda et le Tchad. Le but affiché est de dresser un état des lieux des réglementations légales et j... |
L'écriture journalistique. 3e édition |
2005 |
Alors que le public dispose de moins en moins de temps pour assimiler une information et que le journalisme s'exerce sur des supports sans cesse plus variés, quelles sont les règles de bases pour se faire comprendre ? L'écriture journalistique, bien qu'elle soit souvent l'objet de critiques, est une... |
The WorldWide Fundraiser's Handbook. A Guide to Fundraising for Southern NGOs and Voluntary Organisations |
2003 |
EN |
This is a fully revised and updated edition of the essential handbook for fundraising for the developing world (including Africa, Asia, Latin America and countries of Eastern Europe). Using case studies and examples of good practice, it offers guidance and advice on: establishing effective local fu... |
Up in the Air? The state of broadcasting in Southern Africa |
1998 |
EN |
A contribution to the understanding of the state of broadcasting in six Southern African countries – Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Providing an analysis of the impact of liberalisation and deregulation on pluralism and freedom of expression, case studies authored ... |
Community Radio for Development. The World and Africa |
2006 |
EN |
... |
Afrique centrale : Des Médias pour la Démocratie |
2000 |
FR |
Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinée Equatoriale, RCA, RDC, Rwanda, Tchad. Ces neuf pays ont constitué, le temps d'une étude, la région cible d'une enquête menée par l'Institut PANOS Paris sur la situation des médias en Afrique Centrale. Quels sont ces médias, publics et privés : radios, journa... |
Le métier de journaliste en 30 questions-réponses |
1998 |
FR / PO |
" Comment être proche de son lecteur ou auditeur ? ", " Comment écrire court ? ", " Comment préparer son reportage ? ", " Qu'est-ce qu'un bon titre ? "... En trente questions et leurs réponses, ce manuel livre les B.A. BA du métier aux journalistes débutants ou à ceux qui souhaitent se les rappeler.... |
The Art of Journalism. Thirty Questions and Answers. English adaptation by Michael Mwangi |
2002 |
EN |
This clear structured reference book covers thirty questions on practical aspects of journalism. Following the journalist’s intermediate position between the information source and the recipient, the first 10 questions refer to how recipients can be attracted towards newspaper articles or radio pr... |
Radios communautaires. Apprendre à participer. Un manuel de formation. |
2003 |
FR |
C’est l'aspect de la participation au sein de la Radio Communautaire qu'aborde le « Manuel de formation » publié par l’IPAO de Dakar, en collaboration avec Radio ADA, une radio communautaire ghanéenne qui est reconnue comme une radio communautaire de référence dans sa manière de vivre la participati... |
Les Mille et un mondes. Manuel de radio Rurale |
1991 |
FR |
Sauf exceptions, la radiodiffusion n'a pas de domaine réservé. Populations sédentaires et nomades, hommes et femmes, jeunes et anciens écoutent la radio. Présentés avec tact, tous les aspects de la vie sociale, économique et culturelle, peuvent faire l'objet d'une sensibilisation par la radiodiffus... |
Construisez votre émetteur FM - Conception et réalisation |
2008 |
FR |
Résumé " Tentatoo - Mon cher Sepatoo, comme bien souvent, les choses paraissent complexes quand on les aborde en toute ignorance, puis deviennent limpides quand on prend le temps de les comprendre. Vous verrez que tout ce dont nous parlerons n'est en réalité que fort peu compliqué ! Sepatoo - Eh b... |
Construisez votre émetteur FM - Conception et réalisation |
2008 |
FR |
Résumé " Tentatoo - Mon cher Sepatoo, comme bien souvent, les choses paraissent complexes quand on les aborde en toute ignorance, puis deviennent limpides quand on prend le temps de les comprendre. Vous verrez que tout ce dont nous parlerons n'est en réalité que fort peu compliqué ! Sepatoo - Eh b... |
Produire des programmes pour la radio |
2008 |
FR |
Ce livre est incontournable pour tout professionnel impliqué dans la production radiophonique, que ce soit dans une radio publique ou au sein d’une radio de proximité. Il présente les techniques opérationnelles pour produire différents formats de programmes : de la conduite d’interviews à l’écriture... |
Comment écrire pour la radio. Bulletins, pièces et jeux radiophoniques |
2008 |
FR |
Le monde de la radio vit une seconde jeunesse en se développant et en s'adaptant aux nouvelles technologies qui lui assurent une couverture mondiale permanente et fiable. Cet ouvrage a été conçu à l'intention des jeunes auteurs désireux de participer aux productions radiophoniques les plus diverses... |
Technologies de l’information et de la communication pour le développement en Afrique. Vol. 2 :L’expérience des télécentres communautaires |
2005 |
FR |
Le deuxième volume de cette série examine l’organisation, le fonctionnement et le rôle des télécentres communautaires. Il décrit l’expérience des télécentres dans de nombreuses collectivités, généralement situées en milieu rural, et analyse les structures et les mécanismes de gestion mis en place po... |
Breaking Monopolies: Legislation and Radio Pluralism in West Africa |
1996 |
EN |
This study provides media activists working on radio pluralism in West Africa information on the state of legislation in the various countries of the sub-region. Much information is made available to help promote the legal framework for pluralism and to lobby decision makers in the enactment of pro... |
Législations et pluralisme radiophonique en Afrique de l'Ouest |
2000 |
FR |
Cet ouvrage se veut un outil destiné aux acteurs du pluralisme radiophonique en Afrique de l'Ouest. Son ambition est double : d'une part constituer un document de référence quant à l'état des législations sur les ondes dans les pays de la sous-région et, d'autre part, fournir à ces acteurs des infor... |
Journaux et radios en Afrique aux XIX et XX siècle |
1998 |
FR / PO |
Ces 200 pages retracent l'évolution de la presse en Afrique, depuis les origines au XVIIIe siècle jusqu'à l'émergence de la " nouvelle presse " privée audiovisuelle et écrite dans les années 1980 et 1990. Analyses par régions, encadrés consacrés à un journal, portraits de journalistes et d'hommes de... |
La Radio en Afrique noire |
1983 |
FR |
Il était un temps en Afrique où la radio était le monopole des Etats et des pouvoirs… Où il n’était pas nécessaire de compter jusqu’à 100 pour énumérer toutes les stations de radio d’Afrique noire. C’était le temps d’avant les radios communautaires, privées, associatives… C’était le temps où pourtan... |
L'Afrique parle, l'Afrique écoute. Les radios en Afrique Subsaharienne |
2002 |
FR |
La radio est le média le plus utilisé en Afrique. C'est aussi celui que les Africains se sont le mieux approprié. elle a connu, en quelques années, une mutation profonde mettant fin presque partout au monople de l'Etat avec une libéralisation, parfois incomplète, des ondes. L'auteur étudie ces trans... |
Innovative Radio Inspiring Social Change! A Selection of Community Radio Scripts… |
2005 |
EN |
A Selection of Community Radio Scripts with Accompanying Audio to Inspire Production on Social Development Issues This publication contains a collection of scripts and selected radio episodes that have been produced and distributed by ABC Ulwazi in Southern Africa. The scripts focus on social and... |
Guide de la prise de son pour l'image. Reportage, documentaire, fiction en radio et télévision |
2007 |
FR |
RESUME de Guide de la prise de son pour l'image: Cet ouvrage traite des matériels et des techniques de la prise de son en reportages, documentaires ou œuvres de fiction, vidéos ou radiophoniques. Après de précieux rappels théoriques (son, acoustique, fonctionnement et spécificités des microphones, ... |
Up in the Air? The state of broadcasting in Eastern Africa |
2000 |
EN |
A look at the developments in Eastern Africa since the establishment of independent, private broadcasters in the 1990s. Research from five Eastern African countries –Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda – highlight trends in emerging radio and TV ownership, broadcast content and audiences, ... |
Master Handbook of Audio Production. A Guide to Standards, Equipment, and System Design |
2003 |
EN |
A lot of technical explanation about waves, acoustic principles, technics, drawings; etc. Very impressive, and permanent on-line up-dates on EVERYTHING IN ONE BOOK It's not that you won't find the essential audio techniques inside somewhere, if you're willing to dig--it's th... |
Building Credibility, the Foundation for Fundraising |
2001 |
EN |
Credibility is an essential component of successful fundraising. Staff, boards of directors, and volunteers all play important roles in building a strong organization that will appeal to potential donors. In addition, you can find and build on strengths in the organization and the community. Specifi... |
Building Fundraising Programs to Attract Community Support |
2001 |
EN |
Fundraising events, income-generating businesses, donation boxes, mail and telephone campaigns, electronic fundraising, applying for local grants, and many other approaches can be used to attract support from the community. Planning effective programs is emphasized, with a special focus on technique... |
Building Structures and Skills for Fundraising |
2001 |
EN |
Part one describes the necessary preparations for a fundraising campaign: the role of the leader, the board, volunteers and strategic alliances, and ways to fight fear of fundraising. Part two outlines the practical essentials of an effective communications program, from personal contacts to obtaini... |
Manuel de journalisme. Ecrire pour le journal |
2002 |
FR |
... |
A Handbook for Telecentre Staff |
2005 |
EN |
A guidebook for telecentre managers and others setting up local access centres; it is designed to cover the daily workings of a telecentre for community development. The Handbook provides a panoramic overview of the wide range of different aspects that may come into play in the planning and daily f... |
All Sides of the Story, Reporting on Children. A Journalist's Handbook |
2005 |
EN |
This handbook for journalists presents complex questions around reporting on children raised and debated at the. It makes use of contributions from media experts, and is endorsed by the South African National Editors' Forum, the National Association of Broadcasters, and the National Prosecuting Auth... |
Comment écrire des histoires de nouvelles scientifiques pour la radio? |
2010 |
EN |
Des programmes de radio qui souligne des nouvelles scientifiques sont un atout utile pour les radiodiffuseurs. Les nouvelles scientifiques peuvent prendre différentes formes : la dernière découverte scientifique, l’annonce d’une conférence ou quelqu’un qui explorent une nouvelle idée. Martin Redfer... |
Community Media Participatory Learning Manual |
EN |
This manual was created by NEAR FM (Ireland) as part of a series of participatory workshops specifically for community radio stations to work through a range of issues with volunteers and others. According to the publication, the participatory learning method can be used to introduce a wide range of... |
Curriculum for Radio Management Training |
EN |
... |
Ecrire une chronique radio |
2005 |
FR |
Un document pédagogique de RFI : Ecrire une chronique radio : Les questions à se poser - Quelques conseils de rédaction - La marche à suivre.... |
Giving and Receiving Feedback |
EN |
This set of four modules takes you through the principles of giving good feedback which will motivate rather than have a destructive effect on the individual or team. The course covers: * why we need to give feedback * the actual process of both giving and receiving feedback * hints a... |
How do I make a science news story for radio? |
2010 |
EN |
Radio programs that highlight science news stories are useful tools for broadcasters. Science news can take various forms: the latest scientific discovery, an announcement of a conference, or someone trying out a new idea. Martin Redfern, a senior producer from the BBC Radio Science Unit, has creat... |
Interviewing for Radio |
EN |
On line course about interviewing for radio. A guide to prepare for interviews for radio, including live studio interviews and vox pops.... |
Journalism and Trauma. An interactive Guide |
2010 |
EN |
Since crises often render severe mental and emotional stresses, Journalism and Trauma, An Interactive Guide offers suggestions to help journalists work with grieving victims and survivors in an ethical and sensitive manner. This guide also defines traumatic stress and offers tips to media profession... |
La table ronde radiophonique |
2005 |
FR |
Un document pédagogique de RFI Talent+ : Le sujet doit être choisi avec pertinence. C'est-à dire qu'il doit non seulement être intéressant mais également arriver à point nommé par rapport à l'actualité, ni trop tôt ni trop tard. C'est la pertinence du sujet qui lui donnera sa légitimité à l'antenn... |
L'écriture radiophonique |
2005 |
FR |
Deux documents pédagogiques du service de formation internationale de RFI: 1. Ecrire avec des mots Lorsque l'on écrit pour la radio, la première étape consiste à se défaire des automatismes littéraires, acquis avec l'écriture et la lecture, pour retrouver le registre de l'oralité. Il faut apprendr... |
Les jeux radiophoniques |
2006 |
FR |
Un document pédagogique de RFI formation internationale: Jouer peut rapporter gros à une radio… en terme d’audience, d’image et de notoriété pour peu que les jeux proposés soient bien adaptés à son public. Le jeu radiophonique est en effet un divertissement utile qui concentre tous les ingrédient... |
L'interview radiophonique |
2005 |
FR |
Un document pédagogique sur l'interveiw radiophonique : L'interview est le mot anglais désignant, dans le cas présent, un entretien entre un journaliste ou un animateur et un interlocuteur source d'information. C'est un art difficile qui exige une bonne préparation, une connaissance de ses technique... |
Manuel sur la Couverture Médiatique du VIH/SIDA en Afrique |
2002 |
FR |
Le Centre Africain des Femmes dans les Médias (CAFM), en collaboration avec le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement, a rédigé ce manuel à l’attention des professionnels des médias pour qu’il leur serve d’outil et leur permette de mieux couvrir le VIH/sida en Afrique. Face au VIH/sida, l... |
Microphones and sound for radio |
EN |
A short introduction to hand-held microphones - know your cardioid from your omnidirectional, and get some tips on coping with the guy drilling next door. Learn about microphones, sound levels and ways to get the best recordings. This online training targets newcomers to radio production, anyone pre... |
Minidisc for radio |
EN |
An on line course for radio programme makers in using the minidisc recorder for interviews, vox pops etc, featuring an interactive 5-minute guide to using the Sony MZ-R55 mindisc model. This course targets experienced programme-makers who are new to MD technology as well as anyone who is going out ... |
Mobile Tech in Community Radio - Still Ad Hoc and One-Off: A State-of-Mobile Report |
2010 |
EN |
This 2010 report, a follow-up of a 2008 report on the integration of mobile technology in community radio, "summarises existing projects and success stories, highlighting the most popular uses of mobile technology. It concludes with a discussion of the challenges that community radio stations face i... |
Multimedia Training Kit |
EN / FR |
[Français suit] Supported by ItrainOnline partner UNESCO, the MultiMedia Training Kit (MMTK) aims to promote and support linkages between new and traditional media for development through a structured set of materials. The materials are based on a standard set of templates, and are intended to be us... |
NGO-in-a-box |
EN |
The 'NGO-in-a-box' project is a series of toolkits designed to meet the specialised technology needs of non-profits. Each toolkit is put together by experienced non-profit technology practitioners, working together to hand-pick existing software, guides and tutorials. The aim of NGO-in-a-box is to ... |
Reportage sur le VIH/SIDA: Guide de Ressources |
FR |
"Reportage sur le VIH/SIDA: Guide de Ressources" est une ensemble de ressources destiné à tout journaliste intéressé au reportage sur le VIH/SIDA. Il a été produit lors de séminaires de formation en ligne organisés par le CAFM en 2001 et a pour but de procurer aux journalistes un accès à des informa... |
Reporting on HIV/Aids in Africa: a Manual |
2002 |
EN |
The African Women’s Media Center created this manual as a tool for media professionals to use in improving and increasing their coverage of HIV/AIDS in Africa. This handbook provides guidelines and tips for reporters interested in successfully covering HIV/AIDS. Most of the advice was taken from exp... |
Resource Directory for African Women Journalists |
2002 |
EN |
This directory lists relevant resources to women seeking to strengthen their skills as journalists and to enhance their professional standing within the media. The AWMC Resource Directory for African Women Journalists offers annotated links to various institutions and opportunities that can offer... |
The News Manual |
EN |
Le News Manual est un ensemble de guides simples pour les journalistes qui cherchent à améliorer leurs compétences. Les trois premiers volumes se concentrent sur les compétences de base du journalisme. Le volume 1 décrit de manière simple ce que sont les nouvelles ainsi que le processus de structura... |
The News Manual |
EN |
The News Manual is a series of straightforward guides for journalists seeking to improve their skills. The first of three volumes concentrates on the basic skills of journalism. It begins by describing in simple terms what news is, then takes you step-by-step through the process of structuring and w... |
Produire un feuilleton pour la prévention / résolution des conflits |
2006 |
FR |
La version française du manuel "How to produce a radio soap for conflict prevention/resolution" produit par Search for Common Ground dans le cadre de son projet "Radio for Peace Building Africa" est disponible en lligne depuis fin septembre 2005. Ce manuel propose une méthodologie pour produire des ... |
Ten Steps for Establishing a Sustainable Multipurpose Community Telecentre |
2003 |
EN |
Ten Steps for establishing a sustainable Multipurpose Community Telecentre (MCT) is intended to assist comunities to walk through the basic requirements which need to be addressed when setting out to open and operate a successful MCT. Dix étapes pour créer un télécentre communautaire polyvalent (... |
Live News Africa: A Survival Guide for Journalists |
2007 |
EN |
The increasing number of journalists killed in Africa because of their work is a source of grave concern. The International News Safety Institute recorded 199 journalists and support staff who have died at work in Africa between 1990 and 2006. Eighteen have died in just the first six months of this... |
The Economics of Rural Radio in Africa. An Introductory Study into the Costs and Revenues |
2008 |
EN |
The study revealed that there is great variability to costs and revenues associated with radio programming for farmers, depending on the type of station, and the policies and broadcasting culture of the country. While it is generally less expensive to operate programming through community stations t... |
The Economics of Rural Radio in Africa. An Introductory Study into the Costs and Revenues |
2008 |
EN |
The study revealed that there is great variability to costs and revenues associated with radio programming for farmers, depending on the type of station, and the policies and broadcasting culture of the country. While it is generally less expensive to operate programming through community stations t... |
Communicating with Radio: What Do We Know? |
2008 |
EN |
Communicating with Radio: What Do We Know? Findings from a Review of Selected Rural Radio Effectiveness Evaluations The main objective of this study is to discover, review, and analyse what has already been documented on the links between radio-based communication strategies and rural developmen... |
Communicating with Radio: What Do We Know? |
2008 |
EN |
Communicating with Radio: What Do We Know? Findings from a Review of Selected Rural Radio Effectiveness Evaluations The main objective of this study is to discover, review, and analyse what has already been documented on the links between radio-based communication strategies and rural developmen... |
Participatory Communication Strategy Design. A Handbook |
2004 |
EN |
This handbook is intended as a training and reference guide for designing and implementing Communication for Development strategies for field projects. The Participatory Communication Strategy Design (PCSD) methodology is used to build on the results of the Participatory Rural Communication Appraisa... |
Women's Fundraising Handbook |
1995 |
EN |
This handbook, written by Global Fund staff, explores key ideas about raising money to fund women's rights work. It is especially designed for first-time fundraisers and for women's groups in developing countries. The handbook captures the essence of the Global Fund's Women, Money, and Empowermen... |
Rechercher un financement: Un Manuel pour les femmes |
1995 |
FR |
Ce manuel, écrit par le personnel de Global Fund, explore les idées principales au sujet de soulever l'argent pour placer le travail des droits des femmes. Il est particulièrement conçu pour des fundraisers qui se lancent pour la première fois et pour les groupes des femmes dans les pays en voie de ... |
HIV/AIDS Reporting. Reporting Manual on HIV/AIDS |
2009 |
EN |
The Kaiser Family Foundation has updated its HIV and AIDS reporting manual. The manual covers a broad range of subjects, including the unique challenges of reporting on HIV and AIDS, treatment and prevention strategies and global efforts to finance the campaign against HIV and AIDS. It answers journ... |
Régulation des médias dans les Grands Lacs : défendre la liberté de la presse ou discipliner les acteurs des médias ? |
2005 |
FR |
Longtemps déchirés par des conflits meurtriers, dans lesquels les médias ont parfois joué un rôle dramatique, le Burundi, la République démocratique du Congo et le Rwanda sont aujourd’hui engagés sur la voie de la pacification et de la reconstruction. Parmi les démarches entreprises pour favoriser ... |
A Guide to Community Multimedia Centres. How to Get started and Keep Going |
2004 |
EN |
There are growing numbers of grass-root communication and information service providers in the developing countries today. They are operating community radio stations, multipurpose telecentres, information centres, community learning centres and – in a few cases – community multimedia centres (CMCs)... |
Rumour Management Manual: A training Guide |
2010 |
EN |
Rumours can identify possible stories to investigate, or they can cause misinformation, tensions, and violence. Check out SFCG’s Rumour Management Manual, developed through practical experience in Burundi, for a training guide on how journalists can better analyse and respond to rumours. The manual... |
Manuel de Gestion des Rumeurs: Un Guide de Formation |
2010 |
FR |
RfPA et SFCG ont finalisé un manuel de formation sur la gestion des rumeurs pour les journalistes. Dans les moments sensibles, les rumeurs et la désinformation peuvent exacerber les tensions et créent un potentiel de conflits. Ce guide de formation a été conçu afin d'aider les journalistes à gérer l... |
Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal. Starting with the people. A handbook |
2004 |
EN |
This handbook describes the procedure for planning and conducting Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal (PRCA) as the first step in the design of cost-effective and appropriate communication for development programmes, strategies and materials at the field level. PRCA is a rapid and participat... |
Media Assistance : Challenges and Opportunities for the Professional Development of Journalists |
2007 |
EN |
Centre for International Media Assistance convenes working groups to investigate issues in media development and make recommendations. Working group participants include media assistance practitioners and funders, government officials, academics and other experts, who present a wide variety of persp... |
The Radio Manifesto addressed by young people from around the world to radio broadcasters everywhere |
2004 |
EN |
The Radio Manifesto is a clarion call of our children’s intention to express themselves through the use of media, in general, and radio in particular. It clearly explains, for radio broadcasters worldwide, the important role they can play in putting children’s human rights into action - not just in ... |
Le Manifeste de la radio envoyé par les jeunes à travers le monde à tous les Radiodiffuseurs |
2004 |
FR |
Le manifeste de la Radio est un appel à l’action à l’intention de nos enfants qui veulent s’exprimer à travers les médias, en général et la Radio en particulier. Il explique de manière claire à tous les radiodiffuseurs au niveau mondial, le rôle important qu’ils peuvent jouer en mettant en pratique ... |
Media Law Assistance: Establishing an Enabling Environment for Free and Independant Media to Flourish |
2007 |
EN |
Centre for International Media Assistance convenes working groups to investigate issues in media development and make recommendations. Working group participants include media assistance practitioners and funders, government officials, academics and other experts, who present a wide variety of persp... |
Towards Economic Sustainability of the Media in Developing Countries |
2007 |
EN |
Centre for International Media Assistance convenes working groups to investigate issues in media development and make recommendations. Working group participants include media assistance practitioners and funders, government officials, academics and other experts, who present a wide variety of persp... |
Rapport de l'atelier sur la gestion des crises par les radios rurales. |
2001 |
FR |
Quand on parle de "crises" dans les médias on pense immédiatement aux grands conflits internationaux, aux guerres civiles, aux massacres interethniques, à la couverture des campagnes électorales. Mais les crises en milieu rural africain, ce sont aussi les conflits entre éleveurs et paysans, les liti... |
Les médias et la gouvernance |
FR |
la liberté d'expression est considérée, par les juristes comme la première des libertés individuelles; à juste titre, car sans elle, les autres libertés ne pourraient pas exister durablement. Elle est la base essentielle de l'Etat démocratique. La liberté de la presse au sens large et, plus générale... |
Media for Rural Development. A Guide for Media Use |
2004 |
EN |
The gathering and exchange of and the access to information have become constitutive elements in rural development. The new information and communication technologies create opportunities for awareness raising, information transfer, the delivery of extension services and the networking of individua... |
Emissions de radio rurale et jeunes ruraux au Mali. Etude de cas |
2006 |
FR |
Dans le cadre du projet «Relance de la Radio Rurale au Mali», une série d’études sur les besoins des jeunes en information et communication a été réalisée en collaboration avec les quatre stations de radio de Bla, Bougouni, Kolondiéba et Koutiala. Ces études sont basées sur la production, la diffu... |
Emissions de radio rurale et jeunes ruraux au Cameroun. Etude de cas |
2006 |
FR |
L’étude est l’un des fruits de plusieurs années de collaboration fructueuse entre d’une part le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population (UNFPA), l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO) et le Ministère Camerounais de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural. Réal... |
A Resource Kit for Journalists: Children's Media Mentoring Project |
2008 |
EN |
This resource was developed as part of the South African-based Media Monitoring Project (MMP)’s Empowering Children & Media Project, which analysed and assessed the representation of children in the South African news media. It found that children rarely feature in the media, and if they do, they ar... |
A Resource Kit for Journalists: Children's Media Mentoring Project |
2008 |
EN |
This resource was developed as part of the South African-based Media Monitoring Project (MMP)’s Empowering Children & Media Project, which analysed and assessed the representation of children in the South African news media. It found that children rarely feature in the media, and if they do, they ar... |
Médias et construction de la paix. Rapport sur le premier séminaire régional de formation |
2004 |
FR |
Rapport du séminaire de formation sur le thème « Médias et construction de paix » organisé à Bujumbura du 19 au 27 janvier 2004 à l'initiative de l’Institut Panos Paris, du Studio Ijambo (Search for Common Ground) et de l’Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie. Cet atelier a regroupé des pro... |
Gender Policy for Community Radio |
2008 |
EN |
This 5-page document, produced by the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), is intended to serve as a tool to ensure gender equality in community radio stations. It seeks to explain what gender equality means in community radio and how it can be achieved. It is designed to demon... |
La Gestion des Ressources humaines de la radio rurale |
FR |
Excellent document qui, en quelques pages, ouvre des perspectives très concrètes pour la gestion des ressources humaines dans les radios rurales, en particulier pour la définition des "tâches" et "profils" des agents et abordant la question des "bénévoles". Attention sur le site d' Intermedia Consul... |
Les radios africaines à l'épreuve de la migration technologique. Comment passer des anciennes aux nouvelles technologies? |
2002 |
FR |
Rapport d'un atelier sur la migration technologique en radio organisé par Intermédia Consultants en Guinée en avril 2002. Le document affirme l'ambition de l'objectif de cet atelier : produire des modèles de passage progressif aux nouvelles technologies pour trois types de radio: communautaires loca... |
Manual de Apoio - Produçao de programas em radio comunitaria |
2003 |
Integrating and training new programme producers into a community radio – also on construction of community editorial groups Foreword A community radio is a unique tool for empowerment, social development and change. The main reason is that the community radio belongs to a limited group of peo... |
Rapport de l'atelier sur l'étude d'auditoire par le diagnostic participatif (Cotonou 4-12 juin 2001) |
2001 |
FR |
nous sommes tous conscients de l’utilité et de la nécessité des études d’auditoire. Savoir à qui l’on s’adresse, quand est-il disponible pour écouter nos émissions, de quelles émissions a-t-il besoin. Car tout comme l’automobiliste, le diffuseur qu’est l’homme de radio ne doit pas accepter de condui... |
Reuters Foundation Reporters Handbook |
2006 |
EN |
This handbook is designed to provide advice and guidance on fact-based reporting for journalists whenever they need it. The manual was drawn from the wide experiences of Reuters' journalists. It is not intended to be a complete guide to all journalists everywhere, recognising that conditions und... |
Citizen Empowerment for Good Governance through Community Radios in West Africa |
2008 |
EN |
Citizen Empowerment for Good Governance through Community Radios in West Africa Legislative and Policy Frameworks Summary This book, published by World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Africa (AMARC Africa), is a compilation of reports that seek to increase the social impact of commu... |
HIV/Aids: A Resource for Journalists |
2003 |
EN |
This booklet is a resource to help busy journalists cover the issue of HIV/AIDS effectively. It is produced by Soul City: Institute for Health and Development Communication in partnership with the South African National Editors’ Forum, Health-e and the Department of Health. It provides accurate inf... |
Missing the message? 20 years of learning from HIV/AIDS |
2003 |
This document critically re-examines the successes and failures of the last 20 years of the global response to AIDS. Through analysis of the historical response and today’s policy and donor context, we argue that it is time for nothing less than a fundamental reappraisal of HIV communication strateg... |
Reporting AIDS. An analysis of media environments in Southern Africa |
2005 |
Southern Africa is home to nearly two-thirds of those living with HIV/AIDS globally. Despite significant obstacles, a huge response has been mounted by a host of government, private and civil society organisations. There is a general expectation that the media plays an important role in responding t... |
Code de déontologie de la radio rurale |
FR |
Incontournable bien sûr pour les radios rurales, mais les radios communautaires et associatives y trouveront une inspiration solide pour définir et se rappeler quelques principes déontologiques et éthiques. Faire de la radio quel que soit le statut de la station et des agents, c'est pratiquer le mét... |
Guidelines for Sustainable Audience Research |
2003 |
EN |
Brief description of various methods of audience research : "Seven Day Diary", samples, random sampling, different audience measures, etc. Audience research is crucial to the sustainability of community radio stations. In short, audience research is a mechanism through which stations obtain feed ba... |
Children's Rights and the Media: A Resource for Journalists by journalists |
2005 |
EN |
Commissioned by UNICEF and based on the practical experience of working journalists, what follows is an attempt to assist media professionals and others to consider how the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child might impact upon the way children are represented in and by the media. I... |
L'empouvoirment citoyen pour la bonne gouvernance à travers la radio communautaire en Afrique de l'ouest. Cadres législatifs et réglementaires |
2008 |
FR |
This book, published by World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Africa (AMARC Africa), is a compilation of reports that seek to increase the social impact of community radio in West Africa. The book consists of papers by 24 different contributors. The contributions provide perspectives fro... |
République Démocratique du Congo: Les Médias sur la voie de la restructuration |
2004 |
FR |
Le congrès national de la presse congolaise qui s'est tenu du 1er au 4 mars 2004 à Kinshasa a rassemblé plus de 200 participants, venus de l'ensemble de la RDC. Cette rencontre était l'occasion de saisir les réalités plurielles des médias congolais à un moment où les échéances politiques leur confèr... |
Les organes de regulation des média en Afrique de l’Ouest : Etat des lieux et perspectives |
2008 |
FR |
janvier 2006 - La mise en place, en Afrique, par les pouvoirs publics d’organes de régulation, procède de la volonté des Etats de se doter d’instruments démocratiques, justes et équitables, à même de garantir la liberté et l’indépendance de la presse, le droit à l’information, et la pluralité des mé... |
HIV/AIDS Research Report and Media Guide |
2006 |
EN |
Journalists have a significant role to play in the HIV and AIDS epidemic, by informing the public and holding governments to account. The HIV/AIDS media guide is designed to assist journalists and other media workers to continue their informed and considered coverage of HIV and AIDS and related iss... |
Curso de Formação em Gestão Administrativa e Financeira dos Centros ADEN : modulo de formandos |
2007 |
Este « kit de formação », disponível em francês, inglês e português, em documento impresso, em CD-ROM ou em linha, combina recursos para formadores e para aprendizes. Os recursos para os formadores devem facilitar o seu trabalho pedagógico (fichas de animação, estruturação do curso, exercícios indiv... |
ADEN centres administrative and financial management training course : trainee module |
2007 |
EN |
This « training kit », available in French, English and Portuguese, in hard copy, on CD-ROM and online, combines resources both for trainers and learners. The resources for trainers should facilitate their pedagogical work (animation charts, training structuring, corrected individual and collective ... |
Manuel pour la prévention des conflits par la radio de proximité |
2001 |
FR |
,... |
Cursus de formation en gestion administrative et financière des centres ADEN : module participant |
2007 |
FR |
Ce « kit de formation », disponible en français, en anglais et en portugais, en imprimé, sur CD-rom et en ligne, combine des ressources pour formateurs et pour apprenants. Les ressources pour les formateurs doivent faciliter leur travail pédagogique (fiches d’animation, structuration du cursus, exer... |
O Meu Primeiro passo na produção de programas |
2003 |
This publication is part of a series of Portuguese-language training materials produced during "Strengthening Democracy and Governance through Development of the Media in Mozambique," a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)/ United Nations Development Programme (UN... |
Rapport du séminaire régional sur la gestion de l'information en période de crise |
1994 |
FR |
... |
Telling the HIV Story: A practical manual on HIV prevention for Zimbabwean print and broadcast journalists |
2009 |
The Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SAfAIDS), supported by the Global Fund, National AIDS Council, and Population Services International, has developed a manual to help media professionals enhance their knowledge and skills in reporting on HIV and AIDS-related issues.... |
A Handbook for Advocacy in the African Human Rights System. Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Health |
2004 |
EN |
This handbook for advocacy in the African human rights system was prepared by legal scholars under the auspices of the International Programme on Reproductive and Sexual Health Law at the University of Toronto. The 193-page manual aims to facilitate use of Africa's human rights system to promote and... |
Guidebook on Developing Community e-Centres in Rural Areas: Based on the Malaysian Experience |
2006 |
EN |
ESCAP publication - 2006. "The guidebook identifies guiding principles and fundamental requirements for the establishment of rural ICT services based on the experience of rural ICT projects in Malaysia. It is hoped that this will help to promote and improve the implementation of rural community ICT ... |
Couvrir le HIV/SIDA. nGuide de reportage sur le SIDA |
2006 |
FR |
La Kaiser Family Foundation a produit un manuel sur le VIH et le sida. Ce manuel couvre un large éventail de sujets, y compris les défis uniques liés à la réalisation de reportages sur le VIH et le sida, le traitement et les stratégies de prévention, les chiffres-clés en matière de lutte contre le V... |
Rapport de recherche sur le VIH/Sida et Guide des Médias |
2006 |
FR |
Le rôle des médias est crucial dans la lutte contre le SIDA. Tout comme avec les autres problèmes de développement dans le monde et en Afrique en particulier, les médias constituent un élément intégral et prépondérant du discours. Individuellement ou dans des dispositifs collectifs, les journaliste... |
Politique du genre pour la radio communautaire |
2008 |
FR |
Document produit par l'AMARC en 2008, présentant "la Politique de genre au sein des radios communautaires". Cette politique de genre explique ce que veut dire l'équité de genre dans les radios communautaires et comment elle peut être atteinte. Elle montre les mesures à prendre pour faciliter et pro... |
Doing Community Radio: A Toolkit for Nigerian Communities |
2009 |
EN |
This 80-page toolkit, published by the Nigeria Community Radio Coalition in December 2009, explains what community radio is, as well as how to set up and manage a station. The toolkit has been designed and produced to equip community members in the planning, establishment, and operation process. Acc... |
Situation des médias en République démocratique du Congo |
2004 |
FR |
Quel est l’état actuel des médias congolais ? Comment travaillent les journalistes dans ce pays ? Quelles sont les difficultés des médias et des professionnels de l’information ? Comment les professionnels s’organisent-ils pour y remédier ? Les réponses à ces questions constituent la trame de cett... |
Guide for Media Practitioners on the Reporting and Coverage of Cases Involving Children |
2008 |
An updated guide on reporting stories involving children was recently released by the Philippines' Special Committee for the Protection of Children. The resource, "Guide for Media Practitioners on the Reporting and Coverage of Cases Involving Children," seeks to raise media awareness on children's r... |
Defending Human Rights -- A Resource Book |
2007 |
EN |
"Defending Human Rights -- A Resource Book", published by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (AHRDP), is intended to assist defenders in the sub-region with self-protection and efficiency in their work. Produced with assistance from Canada's International Development Researc... |
Report of the Sensitisation Workshop on Rural Radio for Policy and Decision Makers in East and Southern Africa |
2006 |
EN |
FAO publishes the report of the sensitation workshop on rural radio for policy and decision makers in East and Southern Africa. This workshop follows findings of two studies on training needs for rural radio in Africa (1999 and 2000) carried out by Inter-African Center for Rural Broadcasting Stud... |
BBC News Styleguide |
2003 |
EN |
Avoid clichés and improve your journalism with this PDF version of the BBC News Styleguide. The Guide gives practical suggestions on many aspects of journalism style, including abbreviations, clichés, reported speech - and how to avoid irritating your editor. With over 80,000 downloads to date, its... |
A Reporter's Guide to Election Coverage |
2005 |
EN |
This guide should be useful to journalists who are covering the the elections in any country in the world. The book appears to have been produced in relation with Irak context.... |
Manual de Pesquiso para Radios Comunitarias |
2003 |
Tecnicas simples para monitoramento e avaliaçao de radios comunitatias... |
Guide technique. Gestion du Cycle du Projet |
2002 |
FR |
Cet ouvrage est destiné aux professionnels ayant des responsabilités opérationnelles au sein des gouvernements, des organisations non gouvernementales, des institutions de la société civile ou du secteur privé. Il peut également d'être d'utilité pour les membres des milieux universitaires ainsi que ... |
Femmes et radio au Maghreb |
2010 |
FR |
Extrait de la préface de ce manuel "Ce manuel essayera d’étudier la question de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans les produits radiophoniques des quatre pays francophones du Maghreb. Il fait suite au guide Femme et télévision au Maghreb, 'Amélioration de l’image de la femme dans les té... |
Media Guide: Avian Flu (H5N1) |
2006 |
EN |
This Media Guide, produced by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Malaysia, is intended to “help countries prepare communication tools and materials to mitigate and manage the risks of a disaster, to strengthen [a] community’s response skills and to promote positive life-saving behaviour.” A... |
Live from Africa: A Handbook for African Radio Journalists |
2006 |
EN |
The handbook reviews reporting on general, political and human rights issues. It has sections on location recording and computerbased audio editing. It provides guidance on safety and security and sensitive reporting in conflict areas, as well as libel issues. Developed out of the radio journalism w... |
L’enquête par hypothèse : manuel du journaliste d’investigation |
2009 |
FR |
L’enquête par hypothèse : manuel du journaliste d’investigation est un guide de référence des méthodes et des techniques de base du journalisme d’investigation, qui comble une lacune dans la littérature de la profession. Le manuel adopte l’approche de l’enquête par hypothèse, qui considère qu’une ... |
Story-Based Inquiry: A manual for investigative journalists |
2009 |
EN |
This manual provides a guide to basic methods and techniques of investigative journalism, and it consciously fills a gap in the literature of the profession. The majority of investigative manuals devote a lot of space to the subject of where to find information. They assume that once a reporter find... |
Financial Sustainability Model for Community Radio Stations in Southern Africa |
2002 |
This document presents a financial sustainability model that has been developed by The Southern Africa Institute for Media Entrepreneurship Development (SAIMED) with the aim of assisting community radio stations in Southern Africa to become financially sustainable from inception. This model was deve... |
Produçao de Programas "Educaçao Civica Eleitoral" - Manual de Apoio |
2003 |
Foreword Few practices are so directly linked to the questions of Democracy and Governance as a country’s elections, be they municipal or national. And during these important democratic events, the media are more than ever at the centre of attention, both in terms of getting the coverage for those ... |
Médias et Religions en Afrique de l’Ouest |
2009 |
FR |
Cet ouvrage, réalisé par Alymana BATHILY et édité avec le concours de Pauline BEND et Alexandre FOULON est une publication de l’Institut Panos Afrique de l’Ouest (IPAO). L’émergence des sociétés civiles et du pluralisme médiatique en Afrique de l’Ouest, bien qu’inégalement garanti dans la région, a... |
Producing Content for Radio |
EN |
Developed by AMARC and aimed at trainers in community radio, this workshop kit covers topics including interviewing, presenting and editing. This tool intends to offer training materials for trainers or for "in-house" training programmes for volunteers, speakers, producers or technicians. The mate... |
Législation & médias communautaires en Afrique de l'Ouest: un guide |
2005 |
FR |
Vue générale rapide de la situation légale, du cadre juridique et réglementaire, en ce qui concerne la radio et en particulier la radio communautaire dans chaque pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Cette présentation est complété par une liste des radios non commerciales (listes très partielles, ainsi pou... |
ObsMedia: Country and Regional Reports |
2005 |
EN / FR |
(Français ci-dessous) ObsMedia is an initiative of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC). The main purpose of this site is to help monitor alerts on freedom of expression affecting media worldwide, and to inform on regulations advances and setbacks in the recognition of commu... |
Women's Empowerment and Good Governance through Community Radio: Best Experiences for an Action Research Process |
2008 |
EN |
Published by the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), this book published in 2008 offers a collection of articles which seek to contribute to the impact of community radio (CR) on governance issues especially related to gender equality and women's rights. The publication is par... |
Media for Sustainable Development Content Survey, A Baseline Study Report on Sustainable Development Content |
2004 |
EN |
This 117-page study was commissioned as no comprehensive study had been conducted previously, either in Africa or in Central America, to assess the level at which community radio has succeeded in reaching its communities through the production of programmes related to sustainable development. The dr... |
Malaria and the Media Advocating Healthy Policy and Practice in Sub- Saharan Africa |
2005 |
EN |
Malaria and the Media Advocating Healthy Policy and Practice in Sub- Saharan Africa A Report of a baseline study undertaken in Nairobi, Kenya and The Gambia from the 21st January – 16 February 2005 for the Gates Malaria Partnership, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K. Executive ... |
Radio on the Internet |
2001 |
EN |
Introduction to radio on the Internet and how to set up a webcast. Excellent ! (Source: |
A Participatory Assessment of Ashreat Al Amal, an Entertainment-Education Radio Soap Opera, in the Sudan |
2006 |
EN |
Summary This 27-page report documents the results of a participatory assessment exercise, comprising of participatory sketching and participatory photography, conducted in Sudan to gauge how avid listeners of Ashreat Al Amal ("Sails of Hope"), an entertainment-education (E-E) radio soap opera pro... |
Audience Research for Campus Radio Stations |
2010 |
Published by the Institute for Media and Society and Panos Institute West Africa, this book presents various scientific methods available to campus stations in conducting audience research. According to the publishers, the presentation is designed to support easy application of each of the methods, ... |
Civic education for media professionals: a training manual |
2009 |
EN |
As part of its efforts to strengthen the capacities of media professionals in developing countries, UNESCO has just published Civic Education for Media Professionals: A Training Manual, which offers essential knowledge on the relationship between media functions and active citizenship. The publicat... |
Curriculum for Training Community Radio Station Managers |
1999 |
EN |
This manual is the result of a pilot training programme conducted in 1998, with support of the OSF-SA. The curriculum is targeted at people managing stations that have been on air for at least one year. The following aspects of management are covered: Leadership, Managing A Team, Managing People, Ma... |
Broadcasting in UN Blue: The Unexamined Past and Uncertain Future of Peacekeeping Radio |
2010 |
EN |
This analysis, written for the Center for Media Assistance (CIMA), discusses the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions' local radio stations in post-conflict countries. It describes the management, impact, and ultimate fate of these stations. The document maps UN peacekeeping radio openings and ... |
Community Radio Manual |
EN |
... |
Radios communautaires en Afrique de l’Ouest. Guide à l’intention des ONG et des bailleurs de fonds |
2003 |
FR |
Le guide proposé par le COTA est le résultat de plusieurs années de recherches sur le terrain. L’intérêt de l’ONG belge aux radios communautaires portait d’abord sur la question de la formation. Mais ils ont constaté que les ONG et autres institutions utilisaient peu les radios comme outil d’appui à... |
Digital Audio Production |
EN |
A basic introduction to the most common audio formats. Target audience: Anyone who wants to know more about digital audio. This unit is a good introduction to Encoding, Sound Forge and Cool Edit units. Prerequisite skills: Basic PC skills. A few units are currently available : * Introduction to d... |
Editing your audio: Soundforge |
EN |
This material is part of the Multimedia Training Kit (MMTK) developed by OneWorld Radio. The MMTK provides an integrated set of multimedia training materials and resources to support community media, community multimedia centres, telecentres, and other initiatives using ICTs to empower communities a... |
Reporting for Change: A Handbook for Local Journalists in Crisis Areas |
2004 |
EN |
With many countries moving towards democracy, the role of local journalists has never been more important. ‘Reporting for Change: A Handbook for Local Journalists in Crisis Areas’ by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) is a practical, hands-on manual to help local journalists contribute... |
Handbook for the Radio Journalism Course in Political Reporting |
2006 |
EN |
This Course Handbook has been produced to accompany the Uganda Radio Network Advanced Radio Journalism Course, which is being run throughout Uganda for freelance radio journalists in 2005 and 2006. The Handbook, which follows the day-by-day course programme, contains transcripts of PowerPoint presen... |
Managing Radio |
2009 |
EN |
Managing Radio is the first detailed and comprehensive practical guide to all the essential elements of managing radio stations. It covers the management of public service, commercial and community radio stations and the wide range of new DAB, online, web and independent production opportunities. ... |
Spot on Malaria: Adapting, Developing and Producing Effective Radio Spots |
2005 |
EN |
Summary The Spot On Malaria Guide focuses on malaria prevention and treatment messages and ways to tailor them to reach communities often missed by national malaria programmes. The Guide shows how to adapt or localise materials from national malaria programmes and how to create original radio spots... |
The Media: Making Democracy Work. Tool Box 1-4 |
2004 |
EN |
These Tool Boxes are intended to encourage and support the translation of the African principles on the legal and political framework for media into reality, using media policy documents of the African Union (AU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) as benchmarks. The Tool Boxes ... |
Reporting on HIV/AIDS: A Resource Guide |
EN |
The media in Africa have a critical role to play in helping raise public awareness about the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Accurate, timely reporting has the potential to both promote prevention of HIV/AIDS and reduce the stigma associated with the virus. Journalists who understand the public policy implicatio... |
Radios et NTIC en Afrique de l'Ouest. Connectivité et usages |
2008 |
FR |
Malgré une connectivité améliorée, les radios Ouest-africaines peinent toujours à tirer profit des TIC" Les radios demeurent le médium de communication le plus approprié à la communication sociale et à la communication de développement en Afrique. Après deux premières enquêtes en 2001 et 2003, l’IPA... |
Guide pratique du blogger et du cyberdissident |
2008 |
FR |
Les blogs passionnent, inquiètent, dérangent, interpellent. Certains les méprisent, d’autres les tiennent pour les prophètes d’une nouvelle révolution de l’information. De fait, parce qu’ils délient les langues des citoyens ordinaires, ils sont un formidable outil pour la liberté d’expression. Dans ... |
Making Waves. Stories of participatory Communication for Social Change |
2001 |
EN |
Since April 1997 the Rockefeller Foundation, through its Communications Office in New York, has been promoting a series of meetings among communications specialists to reflect on communication for social change at the hinge of the millennium. These meetings in Bellagio, Italy, Cape Town, South Afr... |
Disaster and crisis coverage. An interactive Guide |
2010 |
EN |
ICFJ launched a timely manual on disaster and crisis coverage as Haitians are recovering from a 7.0 earthquake. The manual also comes with a complimentary interactive guide on covering trauma. This guide provides practical guidelines for delivering news in a professional manner while maintaining per... |
The Media and the Law: A Handbook for Community Journalists |
2008 |
EN |
According to Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI), over the past few years the organisation has charted a trend of increasing media censorship in South Africa. While large media houses are generally well-equipped to handle this, FXI says that smaller community newspapers often lack the knowledge, s... |
The Media and the Law: A Handbook for Community Journalists |
2008 |
EN |
According to Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI), over the past few years the organisation has charted a trend of increasing media censorship in South Africa. While large media houses are generally well-equipped to handle this, FXI says that smaller community newspapers often lack the knowledge, s... |
Participative Marketing for Local Radio |
2003 |
EN |
Radio marketing is the topic of a section of the Audience Dialogue website, which contains most chapters of Dennis List's new book, Participative Marketing for Local Radio. Participative marketing is a new way of thinking about a timeless concept: that marketing is not just something that big corpor... |
Know Your Audience: A Practical Guide to Media Research |
2005 |
EN |
Written by Dennis List, founder of Audience Dialogue, this book is written primarily for media people in developing countries, and small communications-related organisations in the developed world. According to the author, in order to help readers whose first language is not English, the book is wri... |
A Watchdog’s Guide to Investigative Reporting. A simple introduction to principles and practice in investigative reporting |
2005 |
EN |
This book is an introduction to the nuts and bolts of investigative journalism sprinkled with anecdotes and advice from some leading journalists. Written by senior journalism lecturer, Derek Forbes, the book comes at a time of renewed interest into the role of the fourth estate and investigative rep... |
Gender and Peace Building in Africa. A Reader |
2005 |
EN |
The Gender and Peace Building in Africa reader contains scholarly articles authored by Africans on issues of gender and peace building in Africa. This publication, which comes as a product of two Faculty and Staff Development Seminars in Zambia involving the University for Peace (UPEACE) Department ... |
Journalisme au féminin |
2007 |
FR |
L’etude Profession : Journalisme maghrébin au féminin a pour objectif de vérifier et de déterminer dans quelle mesure la femme journaliste vit dans l’entreprise média maghrébine un statut et des conditions professionnelles particuliers du fait qu’elle est femme et d’identifier les diverses manières ... |
Guide pour l'établissement d'une radio communautaire |
2008 |
FR |
écrit par Karina Barker pour , Ce guide est un outil pour ceux et celles qui pensent établir une station de radio communautaire. L'établissement d'une station de radio communautaire peut initialement sembler intimidant et sur-exigent, mais avec les bonnes ressources et le support de votre co... |
Guide pour l'établissement d'une radio communautaire |
2008 |
FR |
écrit par Karina Barker pour , Ce guide est un outil pour ceux et celles qui pensent établir une station de radio communautaire. L'établissement d'une station de radio communautaire peut initialement sembler intimidant et sur-exigent, mais avec les bonnes ressources et le support de votre co... |
Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa Vol 2 : The Experience with Community Telecentres |
2003 |
EN |
Volume 2 examines the setting, operations, and effects of community telecentres. It describes the telecentre experiences of a variety of local and often rural communities, exploring the management structures and mechanisms that have been established to support these telecentres. The book provides pr... |
Teaching Radio Journalists to Report on HIV. A Manual for Trainers |
2008 |
EN |
The Internews' Local Voices program makes available on Internet for free – but registration is required – two teaching manuals on HIV. One of them target radio journalists. “Teaching Radio Journalists to Report on HIV”: this manual includes lessson plans, exercises, and a training agenda developed... |
Teaching Radio Journalists to Report on HIV. A Manual for Trainers |
2008 |
EN |
The Internews' Local Voices program makes available on Internet for free – but registration is required – two teaching manuals on HIV. One of them target radio journalists. “Teaching Radio Journalists to Report on HIV”: this manual includes lessson plans, exercises, and a training agenda developed... |
The Power of the Media: A Handbook for Peace-Builders |
2003 |
EN |
The book builds on an existing body of research and experience of the role that media can play in peace-building. It provides a set of guidelines on the processes that make media interventions in conflict situations effective and sustainable. The book illustrates best practices and lessons learned i... |
Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa: Volume 3 : Networking Institutions of Learning -- SchoolNet |
2004 |
EN |
Volume 3 documents the processes used, and institutions created, to bring computers and connectivity into schools, as a means of enhancing the use and integration of ICTs in teaching and learning. A range of project, administrative, and cultural settings are explored as are a wide variety of technic... |
Media & HIV/AIDS in East and Southern Africa: A resource book |
2000 |
EN |
This publication presents the reports and papers prepared under an UNESCO project initiated in 1998 on preventive information based on investigative journalism and HIV/Aids in East and Southern Africa. The project ’s objectives were to: ( i ) identify a few pertinent trends or phenomena in the regio... |
Manual Tematico Grupo Editorial de Agricultura |
2003 |
Content development within specific themes – Example: Agriculture Production of programmes on Agriculture within the Editorial Group Foreword A community radio is a unique local force for development. It has the fantastic capacity of a mass medium, facilitating that a few people can communicat... |
Empowering Communities, Informing Policy: The Potential of Community Radio |
2008 |
EN |
"Women had long recognised order to play a key role in society and in their development, women needed to be informed on what was going on around them and also have a means to speak on what was happening and have their voices heard - which could only be possible through having their own med... |
Cibler Les Publics De Radios pour La Consolidation de La Paix |
2010 |
FR |
L’objectif de ce guide " Cibler Les Publics De Radios pour La Consolidation de La Paix" est de nous aider à réfléchir aux publics à cibler pour les émissions que nous produisons. C’est seulement en réfléchissant de la sorte que nous pourrons créer de meilleurs programmes qui pourront atteindre et in... |
Community Radio Handbook |
2001 |
EN |
This Community Radio Handbook aims to show that ordinary people, even non-technical rural folk, can plan , set up, manage and produce radio programmes by themselves with a minimum of dependence on outside help, whether for technical advice and training or for funds and equipment. Although quite a nu... |
Manuel de la radio communautaire |
2001 |
FR |
Ce Manuel de Radio Communautaire a pour but de montrer que toute personne, même un agriculteur sans connaissances techniques, peut concevoir, organiser, gérer et produire des programmes de radio en ne dépendant que très peu d’une aide extérieur, si ce n’est pour des conseils portant sur la technique... |
On Line Fundraising Handbook. Making the most of the Web and email to raise more money on line |
2004 |
EN |
The Online Fundraising Handbook is a free, 92-page downloadable guide on raising funds online, making your web site more effective, mining for new donors and much more.... |
A Passion for Radio. Radio Waves and Community |
2001 |
EN |
Written by people actively – and passionately – involved in the medium, this book presents twenty-one alternative radio experiences from countries on every continent of the globe. From the El Salvador guerrilla-operated Radio Venceremos to the native-owned Wawatay Radio Network in Northern Canada... |
The One to Watch. Radio, New ICT and Interactivity |
2003 |
EN |
Radio networks for exchanging information and programming have been around almost as long as broadcast radio itself. The combination of the Internet and broadcast radio now offers a new and potent range of possibilities for development communication. Broadcasters who used to have to travel for hours... |
Radio and HIV/AIDS - Making a Difference |
2000 |
EN |
This handbook produced by UNAIDS is a practical resource for radio practioners,health workers but also for donors. This report is a practical guide to producing radio programmes that make listeners stop and think about HIV/AIDS and demonstrate how they, as individuals, can help reduce the risk of in... |
Radio et lutte contre le sida: Le moyen de faire une différence |
1999 |
FR |
"Radio et lutte contre le sida: Le moyen de faire une différence" est un guide pratique de la réalisation d’émissions radiophoniques susceptibles d’amenerl’auditeur à réfléchir sur le sida et la séropositivité, ainsi que sur les moyens par lesquels il pourrait contribuer à enrayer ce fléau. RADIO ET... |
Digital Editing: Edit Cool Pro |
2001 |
EN |
Introduction to the digital editing programme Cool Edit.... |
Criteria and indicators for quality journalism training institutions & identifying potential centres of excellence in journalism training in Africa |
2007 |
EN / FR |
The report maps the capacity and potential for excellence of almost one hundred journalism schools across Africa, highlighting the development challenges and opportunities of African journalism institutions and identifying specific areas for support from development partners. (Source: UNESCO Website... |
Freedom of Information (FOI) & Women’s Rights in Africa |
2009 |
EN |
This publication is one of the outputs of the Freedom of Information and Women’s Rights in Africa Project, a regional programme launched by FEMNET in partnership with UNESCO. “The advancement of African women has been affected by lack of access to vital information that relates to their rights,” st... |
Pour un journalisme sensible aux conflits |
2003 |
FR |
Cette publication vise à contribuer au perfectionnement théorique et à la réalisation pratique d’un journalisme conscient en zone de conflit. Elle se veut un outil à la disposition des praticiens des médias dans les régions déchirées par des conflits. Avec cet objectif à l ’esprit, ce manuel est con... |
Conflict Sensitive Journalism |
2003 |
EN |
This publication seeks to contribute to the theoretical refinement and practical realisation of conflict conscious journalism as a tool for usage by media practitioners in conflict-affected areas.With this goal in mind; the handbook is designed to be both a practical everyday guide for those already... |
Radio Talkshows for Peacebuilding a guide |
2006 |
EN |
Radio talkshows feed on conflict, and many of them use conflict to attract listeners. But they risk doing more harm than good, leaving listeners angry or fearful. This guidebook is designed to help talkshow presenters and producers learn some new skills to deal with conflict constructively on air.... |
Talkshows pour construire la paix - Un guide |
2006 |
FR |
... |
Radio programs on HIV/AIDS: 23 steps to success |
EN |
23 suggestions to help meet the challenge of creating effective programs about HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. Short document.... |
Heeding the Voiceless: A Guide to Use Oral Testimonies for Radio Documentaries |
2006 |
EN |
This 76-page manual, published by Panos Institute West Africa (PIWA), explains the philosophy of the Oral Testimony (OT) and suggests a step-by-step approach for community radio volunteers, and radio journalists in general, who may want to use this format. According to the publishers, OT focuses on ... |
Le Système de suivi-évaluation de l'impact des émissions radiophoniques |
2004 |
FR |
Le système de suivi-evaluation de l'impact des émissions radiophoniques: Guide méthodologique à l'intention des équipes des radios rurales locales et communautaires Le suivi permet d'assurer une performance effective et efficace d'un programme en fournissant à tous les niveaux, des informations imp... |
The African Community Radio Manager's Handbook. A guide to sustainable radio |
2000 |
EN |
... |
Evaluating Radio Programmes |
2004 |
EN |
How do you know that the audio content you are developing is effective and that it is reaching the people you are targeting? The aim of this toolkit is to give broadcasters and audio producing organizations some advise and resources in order to evaluate programming, in order to improve the impact of... |
Vu à la Radio. Le français sur les ondes |
2005 |
FR |
Un document pédagogique de RFI formation internationale: Recueil des couacs ordinaires. Il fallait un "fou" de phonétique et de vocabulaire pour entreprendre le recensement des fautes, inexactitudes, pataquès et autres "velours" qui sont au professionnel de radio ce que le nid de poule est à l'aut... |
Numérisation et technique radio en Afrique |
2002 |
FR |
L'heure est au numérique. Mais faut-il aller vers le TOUT numérique? Les trois auteurs de ce document appartiennent à la Radio Suisse Romande, mais connaissent aussi la situation des radios africaines. En quelques pages ils pèsent les avantages et les inconvénients de la révolution informatique pour... |
Community Media Sustainability Guide: The Business of Changing Lives |
2009 |
Launched by Internews in 2009, this guide addresses the challenge of how to make community media financially sustainable in countries around the world. It covers topics such as incorporating new online platforms and using alternative energy to power radio stations, all with an eye to sustainability.... |
La régulation des médias : principes, fondements, objectifs et méthodes |
2007 |
FR |
Ce manuel à l’intention des régulateurs et des professionnels des médias africains se fonde sur l’expérience accumulée par les autorités de régulation de la communication qui ont déjà une pratique bien ancrée. Les auteurs, un régulateur du Nord et un régulateur du Sud, ont associé leurs efforts pour... |
Reporting Human Rights and Humanitarian Stories: a Journalist's Handbook |
1997 |
EN |
This handbook was written to support journalists - especially freelancers and stringers - who report stories with human rights or humanitarian components, and who must work fast, seek accuracy, keep their costs low, and work all or much of the time without Email or Internet access. It's divided up t... |
Planification participative et la gestion du cycle du projet |
1997 |
FR |
Ce manuel porte sur la planification par objectifs (méthode ZOPP) ; en annexe 5 pages sur la méthode SEPO.... |
How to Produce a Radio Soap for Conflict Prevention/Resolution (2 parts) |
2006 |
EN |
(PART I) Project Manager is an introduction to and discussion of the practicalities (basic issues such as preparation, budgets, contracts and production) designed for project managers. PART II Training 1. The Soap Manual Part II – How to Write a Radio Serial Drama for Conflict Transformation ... |
Reporting Transitional Justice: A Handbook for Journalists |
2007 |
EN |
This publication was designed to be a practical resource for journalists, media institutions, and others following transitional justice developments in Africa and elsewhere. It was produced by the BBC World Service Trust and the International Center for Transitional Justice as part of their "Communi... |
Reporting Transitional Justice: A Handbook for Journalists |
2007 |
EN |
This publication was designed to be a practical resource for journalists, media institutions, and others following transitional justice developments in Africa and elsewhere. It was produced by the BBC World Service Trust and the International Center for Transitional Justice as part of their "Communi... |
Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents |
2008 |
EN |
Blogs get people excited. Or else they disturb and worry them. Some people distrust them. Others see them as the vanguard of a new information revolution. Because they allow and encourage ordinary people to speak up, they’re tremendous tools of freedom of expression. Bloggers are often the only rea... |
Community Radio Start-Up Information Guide |
2008 |
EN |
This 13-page guide, published by Farm Radio International, is meant to be used as a tool for those interested in starting a community radio station. According to the publishers, setting up a community radio station may seem overwhelming at first, but with the right resources, and with community supp... |
Shout Out! A Kid's Guide to Recording Stories |
2005 |
EN |
This simple, 12-page guide takes children through the steps of how to carry out an interview and write a story. It is an introduction to spoken history. The reader is taken through a number of steps including how to choose the right person, what kinds of questions are good to ask, and how to get com... |
Speaking African on the Radio. Impact Assessment Survey of FM/Community Radios Using African Languages in Ghana, Mali and Senega |
2004 |
EN |
The focus on the study is an Impact Assessment Survey in Ghana, Mali and Senegal on FM Radios Using African Languages. The idea of this study emerged out of discussions which the Director of CASAS, Kwesi Kwaa Prah had with Stella Hughes of the UNESCO Communication Development Division in March 2004 ... |
La Corruption au quotidien en Afrique de l'Ouest. Recherche-Action sur l'efficacité de la radio de proximité pour lutter contre la petite corruption |
2004 |
FR |
Afin de tester les potentialités offertes par les radios rurales de proximité pour protéger les ruraux contre certaines formes de petite corruption et récolter des indications pour une campagne radiophonique plus ambitieuse, une première application opérationnelle, mais à très petite échelle, de l’é... |
How To Do Community Radio |
2002 |
EN |
Community Radio has a special place in UNESCO’s programs. The aim of UNESCO’s community radio program is to address crucial social issues at a community level, such as poverty and social exclusion, empower marginalized rural groups and catalyze democratic processes and development efforts. Tambuli... |
Community Radio: Technical Manual |
2002 |
EN |
The National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) and Open Society Foundation for South Africa (OSF-SA) have developed this manual as a resource to help community radio staff and volunteers. It can be used as a reference for technicians as they go about their day-to-day work, cleaning the studios and doing ... |
Le pluralisme télévisuel en Afrique de l’Ouest / État des lieux |
2008 |
FR |
Réalisé par Mactar Silla et édité avec le concours de Pauline Bend, cet ouvrage s’appuie sur une étude et des recherches conduites par Moctar Dia, consultant pour le compte de l’Institut Panos Afrique de l’Ouest, avec le concours d’un réseau de correspondants locaux : - Hyppolite Djiwan pour le Bén... |
Community Radio Manual |
1999 |
EN |
This manual produced by the OSF-SA Community Radio Suport Programme wants to be a resource for community radio station. It has been developped having the South Africa CR movement situation and needs in mind at the time when the first permanent licences were being issued in SA (1997). In spite of thi... |
INTERNET ET LA RADIO RURALE DE GUINEE. Atelier de formation et de réflexion. (Conakry 19 – 24 mars 2001) |
2001 |
FR |
L’atelier « Internet et la radio rurale » organisé par Intermedia Consultants, mandataire de la Coopération suisse au développement, s’est tenu à Conakry (République de Guinée) du 19 septembre au 24 mars2001. Les travaux ont réuni pendant 5 jours 22 agents venus des radios rurales de Mamou, Labé, Nz... |
Rapport du séminaire le pluralisme radiophonique en Guinée, enjeux et défis pour la radio rurale |
2005 |
FR |
... |
La marketing à la radio rurale |
FR |
... |
La Gestion des crises par la radio communautaire |
2005 |
FR |
L’atelier sur la gestion des crises par les radios de proximité s’est tenu à Porto Novo (Bénin) du 4 au 8 avril 2005. Il a été organisé en partenariat avec l’Association pour la Promotion des Médias (APM). Les travaux ont réuni une vingtaine de participants venus d’autant de stations des Villes de C... |
The Net for Journalists. A practical guide to the internet for journalists in developing countries |
2005 |
EN |
New Internet guide for journalists in developing countries UNESCO has collaborated with the Thomson Foundation and Commonwealth Broadcasting Association to produce a handbook for journalists of developing countries on the use of Internet for journalistic purposes. This training handbook, which is w... |
Radio and Development in Africa: A Concept Paper |
2008 |
EN |
This paper, published in 2008, was prepared for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to guide the "Radio, Convergence, and Development in Africa" research programme, designed to explore traditional radio and gain an understanding of how ICTs can enhance the sector, as well as the cur... |
Live News. A Survival Guide for Journalists |
2003 |
From Aidan White's preface: The IFJ has campaigned for many years for greater safety and for a focus on the in-country journalists and freelances who are at greatest risk and who have the least protection.With the creation of the International News Safety Institute (see pages 103-105),that is begi... |
Youth Radio for peacebuilding – a guide |
2006 |
EN |
Youth radio is a tool with tremendous power to build peace. Just as youth are deeply involved in conflict, so too they have the possibility to play a role in building peace. Radio has the potential to harness the creativity of young people. This guidebook has been written with such young people in m... |
Construire la paix. Guide de la radio pour les jeunes |
2006 |
FR |
La radio pour les jeunes est un outil de construction de la paix d'une puissance incroyable. Les jeunes sont fortement impliqués dans le conflit et peuvent contribuer de manière significative à construire la paix. Leur créativité peut être exploitée grâce au média radio. Ce guide a été conçu pour ai... |
Community Radio Manager's Handbook. A guide to sustainable radio |
2000 |
EN |
“The Africa Community Radio Manager's Book” is produced by AMARC Africa. Many people can tell community radio operators what they need to do but not exactly how they should do it. In this workbook, no one tells what or how, but it does deal with things happening in a community radio station. It pro... |
The Community Telecentre. Cookbook for Africa: Recipes for self-sustainability |
2001 |
EN |
How to Establish a Multi-purpose Community Telecentre in Africa? A handbook explaining how to start and how to get it running on a self-sustainable basis. See also the new publication on the same subject: "How To Get Started And Keep Going : A Guide to CMCs": link here in the TRRAACE bibliography.... |
La Création d'un télécentre communautaire pour l'Afrique. Les Recettes de l'autosuffisance |
2001 |
FR |
Les centres multimédia communautaires (CMC), promus notamment par l’UNESCO se veulent une réponse à la fracture numérique qui se creuse entre le Nord et le Sud. L’idée est d’associer radio de proximité et infrastructures classiques d’un télécentre (téléphone, fax et photocopies ; ordinateurs connect... |
Handbook on Radio and Television Audience Research |
2007 |
EN |
Mytton, from 1982 to 1998 head of the audience research for the BBC World Service, has accumulated a lot of experience in the developing world. This handbook is the result not only of his fieldwork, but also of his activities as trainer and consultant. It is a substantially revised and updated versi... |
Community Radio: A user’s guide to the technology |
2007 |
EN |
“Community Radio: A user’s guide to the technology” is a guide to technical parameters of community radio in India. Produced for potential community radio operators, this technical manual takes into account the intention of the Government of India to establish 4000 community radio stations by 2008. ... |
Citoyens et media: guide pratique pour un dialogue entre citoyens et media |
2006 |
FR |
Cette publication, qui est disponible en ligne (uniquement en français), est une contribution importante à l’action menée par l’UNESCO pour promouvoir des médias citoyens et le dialogue avec les médias, en particulier entre les radiodiffuseurs et les groupes de la société civile, et pour favoriser l... |
Contenu créatif: Ecrire pour la radio |
2001 |
FR |
Titre complet : "Ecrire des textes radiophoniques pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire : le modèle du Réseau des radios rurales des pays en développement". Il s'agit d'une intervention à l'atelier "Radio rurale et la sécurité alimentaire" organisé par la FAO à Rome en novembre 2001. Conçu pour les... |
Responsive Programming: A Model for Developing Conflict Resolution Media and Other Interventions |
1999 |
EN |
This handbook proposes a model for developing conflict resolution through media and other kind of interventions. This study is based on the work of Talking Drum Studio located in Monrovia, Liberia. The document is available on the "Radio for Peacebuilding, Africa", launched by Search for Common Grou... |
Legislation & Community Media for Southern Africa: a Guide |
EN |
This publication is meant to provide some guidance to new or aspiring community media initiatives on managing the regulatory framework in their countries. It includes country specific guidelines for licensing procedures regarding Community Radio in Southern Africa. It is also a ‘snapshot’ of the sta... |
Configuration of Radio Stations and Media Centres |
2004 |
EN |
Unesco in collaboration with DaniCom and Niels Worsoe issued in 2004 a practical guide to procurement of technical equipment for community media institutions The principle of this handbook is that it should be made easy for community media initiatives to get started although the initial budget migh... |
La Communication stratégique pour la construction de la paix - Un Manuel |
2010 |
FR |
La Communication stratégique pour la construction de la paix - Un Manuel Comment utiliser la communication stratégique pour atteindre des objectifs de développement et pour construire la paix Ce guide est organisé en sept sessions: * Session 1: Comprendre la notion de conflit et ses racines * ... |
Strategic Communication for Peacebuilding - a Training Guide |
2010 |
EN |
Strategic Communication for Peacebuilding - a Training Guide How to use strategic communication on development objectives as a tool for peacebuilding Published by Radio for PeaceBuilding Africa, this guide is designed for trainers of media workers and government officials in strategic communicat... |
Des Radios pour informer. La formation in situ. Le journalisme radio. Le management d'une radio |
2007 |
FR |
Depuis 1990, suite aux processus de libéralisation politique et de démocratisation, les médias ont connu une croissance impressionnante dans les pays d’Afrique francophone. Des centaines de journaux, de radios et, plus récemment, de télévisions ont vu le jour, poussant vers la profession de journali... |
Media Legislation in Africa. A comparative Legal Survey |
2007 |
EN |
With support from UNESCO, a publication on media legislation in Africa has just been released, result of a research undertaken by a team of African scholars, coordinated by Professor Guy Berger, Head of the School of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. The ... |
Gestion du Cycle du Projet |
2003 |
FR |
Ce guide décrit le cycle de projet et l’utilisation d’outils de planification comme l’évaluation des besoins et des capacités ainsi que l’analyse des dépositaires d’enjeux. Il explique comment mettre au point une structure logique.... |
Digital archiving of audio content using WINISIS and Greenstone software: a manual for community radio managers |
2009 |
EN |
"Digital archiving of audio content using WINISIS and Greenstone software: a manual for community radio managers" This publication is a self-instructional handbook aimed at helping managers of community radio stations, FM radio stations, public service broadcasting agencies and any other organizati... |
Aides publiques aux médias d'Afrique centrale : pourquoi, comment ? |
2004 |
FR |
En Afrique centrale, la viabilité des médias est souvent mise à mal par un contexte économique délétère dans une région sinistrée par les conflits et la pauvreté. Peu d’organes de presse sont véritablement érigés en entreprise de presse. Les journaux font face à des prix d’impression élevés et un l... |
Enquête de base sur l'attitude des professionnels de la radio en Afrique subsaharienne |
2005 |
FR |
En 2004, Search for Common Ground a chargé Research Solutions Ltd, institut de recherche basé à Nairobi, de mener une enquête parmi les professionnels de la radio en Afrique subsaharienne sur la construction de la paix. Les objectifs principaux étaient: - d’évaluer leurs connaissances et leur util... |
Radio Africaines pour la Paix |
2008 |
FR |
L’association Search for Common Ground (SFCG), dans le cadre du projet Radio for Peacebuilding, Africa, a publié sur son site Internet ( un manuel de formation en ligne intitulé ‘Radios Africaines Pour la Paix (RAPP)’. Ce cours à distance a été développé par SFCG et mis en œ... |
Global Health |
2006 |
EN |
Journalists covering health stories in Africa should avoid preconceived notions, seek out doctors' advice for their stories and use available resources on the Internet. Today journalists are able to get more information than ever on the internet: the website can be con... |
Open Training Plateform |
2007 |
EN |
The objective behind this platform is to empower trainers or/and trainees with free resources, offer them a structured collaborative space to share their training but also to promote and value the “open” training materials, which are freely and openly accessible for trainers and self-learners to use... |
Attitudinal Basiline Survey of Radio Professionals in Sub-saharan Africa |
2005 |
EN |
In 2004, Search for Common Ground commissioned Research Solutions Ltd, a Nairobi based research company, to conduct a survey of radio professionals in sub-Saharan Africa about peacebuilding. The key objectives of the study were to gauge their knowledge of, attitude towards and use of different peac... |
I am a child but I have my rights too! Radio Campaign in West Africa. Final Evaluation Report For Plan Region of West Africa |
2005 |
EN |
“I’m a child but I have my rights too!” is an awareness campaign on the rights of the child, which has been broadcasted since 1999 on radio stations in Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, Togo. The campaign focuses on the application of children’s rights within the day-to-day ... |
Je suis enfant, mais j'ai aussi mes droits. Campagne radiophonique en Afrique de l'Ouest. Rapport d'évaluation finale |
2005 |
FR |
« Je suis enfant mais j’ai aussi mes droits ! » est une campagne radiophonique de sensibilisation aux droits de l'enfant, diffusée depuis 1999 sur plusieurs stations radio du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, de la Guinée, de la Guinée-Bissau, du Mali, du Sénégal et du Togo. La campagne radio a pour objectif ... |
Media + Elections. Elections Reporting Handbook |
2004 |
EN |
For fledging democracies or countries emerging from years of conflict, the role of the media in informing the public about important issues has been widely recognised as a vital one. During elections, that role becomes particularly challenging. Journalists must know the election rules and report fa... |
Conflict Sensitive Journalism - Special Edition Kenya |
2008 |
EN |
Summary Reacting to the sudden outbreak of violence in Kenya and the mounting pressure on media following the disputed presidential election on December 27 2007, International Media Support (IMS) together with Article 19 and Reporters Without Borders carried out a mission to Kenya in the early days... |
Conflict-Sensitive Reporting: State of the Art - A Course for Journalists and Journalism Educators |
2009 |
EN |
The central concept of Conflict-Sensitive Reporting is that violent conflict attracts intense news media attention that requires greater analytical depth and skills to report on it without contributing to further violence or overlooking peace building opportunities. It first briefly introduces the r... |
Strenghtening Community Radio in Western Africa. INFORMO(T)RAC Programme - Joint Review Mission Report |
2006 |
EN |
This 28-page evaluation report explores the role community radio stations (CRS) can play in poverty alleviation by sparking dialogue about social issues. As is illustrated by the excerpt below, the authors of this piece find that (at least in the 3 West African countries examined here) CRS has contr... |
Manual Técnico de Edicão Digital para Rádios Comunitárias (Digital Editing for Community Radio) |
2003 |
This publication is part of a series of Portuguese-language training materials produced during "Strengthening Democracy and Governance through Development of the Media in Mozambique", a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)/ United Nations Development Programme (UN... |
Manual Técnico de Edicão Digital para Rádios Comunitárias (Digital Editing for Community Radio) |
2003 |
This publication is part of a series of Portuguese-language training materials produced during "Strengthening Democracy and Governance through Development of the Media in Mozambique", a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)/ United Nations Development Programme (UN... |
Manual Tecnico de Ediçao Digital Para Radios Comunitarias |
2003 |
Foreword A community radio is a unique local force for development. It has the fantastic capacity of a mass medium, facilitating that a few people can communicate effectively with many. Once the installation is carried out, and the radio is really on air, the producers can very easily be in instant... |
Guidebook on Sustainability |
2006 |
EN |
This publication produced by Developing Radio Partners offers five case studies on local radio station sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa. Financial sustainability presents the greatest challenge to the success of independent radio stations operating in developing countries and is inextricably li... |
Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour le Développement en Afrique. Vol. 1: Potentialités et défis pour le développement communaut. |
2003 |
FR |
Depuis 1997, le programme Acacia du CRDI stimule l’utilisation et l’appropriation des technologies de l’information et de la communication par les communautés d’Afrique sub-saharienne afin de leur permettre de trouver des voies alternatives vers le développement socio-économique. Après cinq années d... |
Guide pratique des Centres Multimédia Communautaires |
2004 |
FR |
On trouve actuellement dans les régions rurales des pays en voie de développement un nombre croissant de fournisseurs de services de communication et d’information. Il s’agit de stations de radios communautaires, de télécentres polyvalents, de centres d’information, de centres communautaires de form... |
Reporting Justice: A Handbook on Covering War Crimes Courts |
2006 |
EN |
This handbook is intended for journalists undertaking one of the most challenging, important and potentially rewarding of tasks: reporting on the trials of war crimes suspects or investigating war crimes on the ground. War crimes reporting, like any journalistic specialisation, makes its own demand... |
Improving Educational Quality Through Interactive Radio Instruction: A Toolkit for Policymakers and Planners |
2005 |
EN |
Summary This 140-page guide published by the World Bank is designed for African policymakers, education planners, and pedagogical specialists who may be considering the feasibility of using interactive radio instruction (IRI) in their education systems. According to the World Bank, studies of the I... |
Using Radio to Help Communities Talk |
2006 |
EN |
Summary This manual is about how to use radio for encouraging community dialogue and exploring various stages of creating programming. It was published by Straight Talk Foundation (STF), a non-governmental organisation in Uganda specialising in health and development communication through radio, ... |
Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa. Vol. 1 Opportunities and challenges for community development |
2003 |
EN |
In 1997, IDRC launched its Acacia initiative in an effort to empower sub-Saharan African communities with the ability to apply new information and communication technologies, or ICTs, to their own social and economic development. Now, 6 year later, the Acacia initiative presents this unique and grou... |
Audio for Distance Education and Open Learning. A practical guide for planners and producers |
2001 |
EN |
Written by John Thomas, who has worked with and produced audio support for education systems over 30 years, this handbook sets out good professional practice in the design, development and delivery of audio materials – radio, audio cassettes and audio-vision – for open and distance learning. The ha... |
The Broadcasting Independence Handbook: Lessons from the South African Experience |
2008 |
EN |
Summary This 47-page handbook, published by the Freedom of Expression Institute, focuses on the transformation from state to independent broadcasting in South Africa, and the lessons that can be drawn from this transformation for the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The handbook is de... |
Community Radio. The People's Voice |
2003 |
EN |
"Community Radio: The People's Voice," is based on a research project funded by the U.S.- based Ford Foundation, and published by Sharp Press. ABC Ulwazi, a nongovernmental organization based in Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa, carried out the project. The 118-page book, released in Octob... |
ICT4D - Connecting People for a Better World |
2004 |
EN |
Are information and communication technologies (ICT) such as computers, mobile phones, radio, TV, video and the Internet effective instruments to empower people, reduce poverty and improve lives? Or are ICT just deepening already existing inequalities and divisions in the world? In this book, key... |
Reporting on Children in the Context of HIV/AIDS. A Journalist's Resource |
2005 |
The media can play a vital role in ensuring appropriate responses to children affected by the AIDS epidemic. They can do so by reporting accurately and sensitively, engaging the debates, tracking implementation and highlighting areas where government does not live up to its promises. Drawing on the ... |
Community Radio Start-Up. Information Guide |
2008 |
EN |
This guide is meant to be used as a tool for those interested in starting a community radio station. Setting up a community radio station may at first seem overwhelming, but with the right resources, and with community support, it can be a rewarding experience. This guide has two main goals: 1.... |
Community Radio Start-Up. Information Guide |
2008 |
EN |
This guide is meant to be used as a tool for those interested in starting a community radio station. Setting up a community radio station may at first seem overwhelming, but with the right resources, and with community support, it can be a rewarding experience. This guide has two main goals: 1.... |